Poison in the Snow

301 26 13

Happy Birthday Pengi11


A man with an unknown name and age sat in the snow. He crossed his legs like a grade schooler and slouched in on himself, denying the fact that he was still cold. A cigarette was placed in between in his lips, not caring if he damages his lungs. This man has no family, no friends, and no one at all to keep him company. It's Christmas Eve, and he was just sitting here like an idiot in broad daylight. He sighed and took the cigarette out of his mouth, puffing a cloud of smoke into the air for the white flecks to fall through, shattering it into several fragments. The man watched this curiously, then melancholically. That was his heart. Shattered into fragments.

"Hey, Smoking isn't good for you. You should really throw that away."

A concerned voice coaxed him. The man looked up to see someone in a baby blue jacket with black glasses. Their lenses were coated in white freckles and they wore mittens and a beanie to match the jacket. They had gray sweatpants and baby blue boots on. It seemed like they cared a lot about matching or just really liked the color baby blue. The man didn't care. His lungs can shrivel up for all he cares. However, he didn't want to upset anyone else anymore so he flicked the cigarette, letting it get lost in the snow. The person pressed their lips into a thin line, as if displeased somehow, before smiling the frown away.

"You look sad. My name's Patton! I'll keep you company!"

Patton? What a curious name. The man just watched Patton mess around with the snow to his right and place his knees down in the cleared spot, sitting back on his legs. He flashed a big grin at the man before pulling out something from the pockets of his, assumedly, polyester jacket. The man watched with an eyebrow raised as this person, Patton, pulled out two candy canes. He offered him both of them. One was tricolored stripes while the other one was traditional. The man looked up at Patton, wondering what his plan was and why he was taking the time out of his day to talk to a stranger who hasn't even said a word yet.

"Go ahead! Take one! I don't mind sharing!"

So sunny. The man carefully took the traditioncal candy cane and broke off the hook of it, sticking it into his mouth and sucking on it like a cough drop. The man watched Patton rip open the plastic and start eating it from the stick side up, kind of like a Nutrigain bar. Like a little kid who is trying to make the point at the end super duper sharp in school. It was starting to bother the man that he hadn't said a single word yet. He took a deep inhale, trying to get the raspiness out of his already deep and intimidating voice. He doesn't want to scare this kind stranger away like he does with everyone else.

"Why are you so kind to a stranger like me so early in the morning?"

Patton stopped eating his candy cane and simply looked at the man for a good moment, as if wondering what on earth he meant by that. With those big puppy eyes, it was as if he believed that everyone should be doing this, and not just him. The man broke off another piece of the candy cane he was given out of innocent generosity. 

"Because everybody deserves kindness, especially on Christmas Eve! That's just Good Morality! Is everything okay?"

No. Everything is not okay. But it's okay at the same time because he doesn't feel quite as heavy as he used to be. The kindness of a stranger warmed him a bit. The man fixed his posture and removed his yellow scarf from around his neck. It was nearly checkered with white snow flakes, but the bald spots of where he touched his thumbs to remove it ruined that pattern. The man decided to follow Patton's example and smile through it, shaking his head. He turned his face  entirely, allowing Patton to see the large scar stretching from the lobe of his ear to his jawline all scabbed up and wrinkled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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