Starlight's Brighter When You're Here

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I remember this day so precisely that many people would think it was just yesterday. I remember this day so well that at times I even scare myself, and before we begin let me state something, my memory isn't as good as you would think. I forget a lot of things, important things, useless things, the main point is that I forget it. I've tried what feels like everything to remember things, but nothing really works, but for some reason almost anything associated with her. I can remember it like it was the day that it had happened. Around fifteen or twenty years ago, I was a student of a well known high school. For it being in a small town, it seemed that about everywhere had known or at least have heard of it.

It was just recently warming up from a long winter and we had just gotten our spring uniforms. A week before there was a group of girls who were talking about how excited they were to wear their new uniforms, especially since the dress code had loosened up slightly and allowed for skirts to be an inch and a half shorter than previous years. Teachers had been worried about how short they were, and how they would pose as a distraction for the boys, along with myself. My friends and I have decided that we'd wear our winter blazers over our short sleeved dress shirts just in case there was a breeze. I walked in through the main hall our predictions of the wind had been correct, it was most certainly a chilly day. I knew this because the same group of girls who wore their spring uniforms the first day we could had been complaining. Well most of them, she didn't. She handled herself quietly and respectfully. This girl is a very persevering, talented girl, who could practically multitask her entire life without breaking a sweat. Many people aspire to be like her, and truthfully I can't blame them. Her grades are keen to perfection almost as if she had been rushing to be an adult. She'd keep to herself when partners were allowed to join together and she would apologize whenever she would make a mistake. That was until she asked me to join her and participate in drama club. The "perfect" girl that got 100's on everything, turned in her homework on time and never skipped class, was actually hiding behind a mask. Truth is, she's a girl who likes to watch tv for hours on end, slack off, make mean jokes, and most importantly kept secrets from everyone she talked with about herself. I remember the look in her brown eyes how determined and how eager she was with asking me.


"You should join the drama club." The look in her eye was engrossed with mixed emotions it was so hard to tell what she was thinking, whether she had been hoping that I'd gladly join or just did it because she felt as if I should had been asked because she asked other people close to me. I don't know all I know is that she asked me, alone, in the hall after school. I paused and stared down into her eyes, my own eyes slowly wavering from surprised to dumbfounded.

"I should what?" I stared down at her in disbelief.

"You heard me." She continued with her stare with her clear blue eyes.

"But, wouldn't it be weird if I were to join? I'm a guy, isn't it mostly girls there? Wouldn't it seem a bit.. Off?" Clearly she didn't like my response, not at all it was easy to tell as she furrowed her brows.

"You don't have to be a girl to join drama club! Drama is a mix for all, it's having a group of people come together and work in order to complete a full performance, not to hit on girls, not to check out guys. I asked you because I thought that you would do both a good job at portraying our lead male act, and for some manual labor." I blinked, the way she raised her voice, the passion that had erupted from her it was so overwhelming. Without realizing it, I had nodded my head

"Really?" She leaned towards me, closing the space between us almost as if she's trying to make her presence known even more.

"Yeah sure, I don't see anything wrong with it if you think i'd actually be able to act." I could just feel the discomfort rising in the air. "So uh, What now?" I tilt my head upwards as i nervously scratch the back of my neck, she pauses and looks to the ground as if she's trying to search for the right word, a small humming sound coming from her direction.

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