Chapter I - A Simple Conversation and a Big Realization

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Brian's POV

I woke up in an empty, cold bed. The duvet was wrapped all around me and I could still feel the cold air of my house. I knew that I needed to go to band practice in a little bit, but my bed felt all too comfortable and warm.

I pulled the duvet off of my body, immediately regretting that I did that. I shivered a bit, getting used to the sudden temperature change. I looked around the floor for my slippers and found them under my bed. Slowly, I pushed myself off the bed and went to the bathroom to start getting ready. I waited for the shower water to warm up a little bit, then hopped in. I completely relaxed under the hot water. I got my shampoo and scrubbed myself clean, then got out and put a fuzzy towel over me, in hopes to distract from the freezing temperature in my home.

After brushing my hair and getting dressed, I walked around my flat and headed to the kitchen, to hopefully get some breakfast. When I opened the fridge, the only thing I saw was a carton of milk that was sitting in there for at least 2 months. I got some cereal from the cupboard above the fridge and a bowl then poured the milk and cereal into it. I ate as I waited for my water to boil, so I could have a nice cup of coffee. I heard little bubbling noises from the kettle so I knew it was ready. I made my coffee and went to my living room window and watched the cars driving down the street and people walking to school/work with a bored expression. I looked at the clock on my wrist and saw that it was already 9 AM so I decided to head to the little apartment building that had our makeshift studio in it, because I knew Tim would be very mad if he got there before me.

I put on my white pair of clogs and a coat on, since it was quite windy, then took my Red Special in my hand, all cased up, and I took my keys from the kitchen counter, then got out the door.

At the studio

Still Brian's POV

I opened the door to the studio and saw that no one was there. I pulled my guitar out of it's case and stared playing the strings gently, until an idea popped into my head. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil that I found in my pocket and scribbled down some lyric ideas for a song. It was quite nice, actually. Once I was finished writing four little bits, I decided to try and find some chords for the song and see if I liked how they went with the unfinished lyrics.

I was surprised by the door swinging open and revealing a very sleepy Tim, along with some little pieces of paper in his hand and a coffee in the other.

"Hey Tim!" I said cheerfully. "You look a little tired, you alright, mate?". "Yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't really sleep last night because I worked a bit on these audition papers that we could hang around town." Tim responded, as he handed me a piece of paper and read it. "Well should we go now or do you want to do it later?" I asked after I scanned over the little audition card. "I think now would be fine.." he yawned.

We got up and left, sticking bits of paper around the block of flats and some on some lights on the noisy street.

"And that was the last one. Hopefully we get someone soon who can actually play" Tim mumbled. "Yeah... hopefully" I said, a little afraid that we weren't going to find somebody that would be a good candidate for the drummer position in our band.

But I soon would be proved wrong...

"Let's go back to the studio" Tim interrupted my trail of thoughts.

We practiced for a while, then stopped after hunger took over us and went down the street to a little shop where we would often be seen buying snacks. We walked out with a few bags of crisps and some cola cans.

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