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 I wake up, teary-eyed and wet. Another panic attack in my sleep I suppose, and I sigh. I can feel the urge, the pull, to just let go and become who I really am, a baby, but I shove it off. I get up and get dressed, stripping my bed and taking the sheets with me as I leave my room in search of coffee. I enjoy the peaceful tranquility of the morning, although it's like this every morning. I get up early to avoid my housemates, and besides the occasional question or them checking to make sure I haven't died, I don't interact with them, I'm not sure they even remember what I look like.

I walk into the kitchen and grab my plain black mug, no looking at the general baby paraphernalia in the cabinet beside it, and start making my coffee. I don't really like coffee, but it gives me caffeine, so I drink it anyways. I see my oldest housemate's cookies in the jar. His name is Patton and his cookies are amazing, and one of the few things I'll eat, so I grab a few and take them back to my room. One the walk there I see one of Roman's paintings in the hallway, and Virgil's piano, which had a book, probably Logan's, on top of it.

If I had to describe my housemates in one word, I know what it would be. Weird. They are all strange and confusing. Patton is the oldest, at 34 years old. He appeared in Thomas first, his sense of morality, of right and wrong. He's a sweetheart and doesn't tolerate cursing or meanness. Then came Roman. He's 32 years old, and Thomas' creativity. His nickname is Princy, and almost everyone calls him that. He's very extra, and attention must be on him at all times. Then came Logan. He's Thomas' logic. He is 30 and loves space and books. Then Virgil. He's 29, and Thomas' anxiety. Despite being so young, he is a very dominant force. Then came to me. Daniel. I'm 26, and I represent insanity. Everyone has a bit of me in them, just Thomas more than most people. That's why he can talk to the other sides.

I finally make it back to my room, and I sit down at my desk. I normally work in my pajamas, so when I got dressed, it was actually just putting on some sweatpants and a tank top, A thin tank top that shows my scars covering my body, but on the bright side it also is airy so I don't get hot easily. I log into my computer and start writing some emails. I only have a few for today, so I get it done fairly easily. I lean back in my chair and think what it would be like to go in little space freely, to be loved and taken care of, without being harmed. I snap myself out of it as I hear movement in the kitchen. It's probably Patton. I hear humming come down the hallway, and I know it's Roman, always singing. I hear two groans and thumps that are probably Logan and Virgil. Always the last to rise. I smile and shake my head.

I don't go outside when they're awake, but despite that, I like them. All of them. In a... less than a platonic way. I know they all like each other. When I moved in, about 7 years ago when I was 19, they told me that if I didn't support their relationship then I wouldn't be welcome there. I told them that I had no problem with it being a gay man myself who had no problems. They sighed and nodded happily. I moved in about a month later.

I hear footsteps down the hall, and I wonder why. They don't normally come down this far. "Knock Knock", I hear on my door. "Yeah?" I question, being confused as they normally leave me alone.

" I was wondering if you want to eat breakfast with us? I made bacon and eggs with toast." Patton says. I like his cooking and as much as I want to avoid my crushes on all of them I know I can't forever.

"Yeah sure. I'll meet y'all in the kitchen?" I ask and he approves. I quickly throw on a hoodie, I don't want them to see my scars and I leave my room. I pull up my hood and walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Daniel"

"Hello Daniel"

"Hi, Daniel!" I nod to Virgil, Logan, and Roman, muttering a quiet hey in return. They look at me for a moment, but Roman quickly starts messing with Virgil. He pokes his side and Virgil swatts his hand away. He does it several more times until Virgil kisses him and then boops him. He makes an offended face and I start to snicker quietly. Princy makes an even more offended noise and I outright start to laugh. I open my eyes and wipe them, and look at their faces. They all look confused, and in awe and I blink.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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