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Demi looked at his high school building dreadfully...he hated that this was how he was entering his senior year, it was supposed to be exciting, the year He entered as the new Demi, and not the old Demi, the shy nervous outcast, but the cool confident boy, he even spent almost the entire second half of his junior year working extra shifts at the café instead of hanging out with friends he didn't have, to completely redo his wardrobe, and he even planned the perfect summer where he went off to California to stay in his best friend's fathers beach house, but he let things fall off track...made choices he wished he never had...and now here he was. Far more damaged then when he finished Junior year. But he tried not to think about it...about the disastrous situation he got himself into that summer...god only knew the entire school already knew about it and was going to bug him to death with questions, Alexis could only fend off so many classmates...and reporters.

God...the reporters.

he thought to himself dreadfully...the absolute worst part of the entire situation...was them, but thankfully they didn't seem to follow him back to Portland. with an exaggerated sigh he forced himself into the building everything seemed to be going well when suddenly ALL eyes were on him, curious whispers...bewildered whispers...hateful whispers, all of them erupted into a crescendo of gossip, but he did his best to ignore them and walked over to his locker...he knew he had already gotten here cause of all the kids taking selfies next to the Aventador out in the parking lot, and the army of paparazzi outside of the school gates being escorted of the premises by the cops, and he was just about to let out a sigh of relief, thinking he managed to completely give him the slip when suddenly...

"Demi..." came his intoxicating voice...even with the toxic amount of anger and hate he had towards him, his voice still made him tremble...but he mustered all of the willpower he had left in him and started walking past him when he grabbed him by the arm and spun him around to face him, his sea Green Eyes almost made him fall to pieces right then and there.

" Demi talk to me...I already said I'm sorry what else do you want me to do ? " said Autsin. Yes...Austin Blake, Hollywood megastar and up until recently, Demi's favorite celebrity crush, he had enrolled into Portland High at the beginning of the summer to start this year as a senior as a punishment his parents/managers placed on him, something that when he first found out, made him fangirl...but now made him sick to his stomach, the thought of seeing him everyday was too much. he tried, he really did, to get over what he did to him last summer, but he couldn't, it just hurt too much. So he just said four simple words before walking away.

" was she worth it ? "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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