Chapter one

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You know that feeling you get when your starving?

The one where you get slightly dizzy when you stand and hunger is gnawing away at you, causing you to slowly go feral?

That feeling in me never goes away. Blood lust. It was engraved on my soul, written in fear. A fear that my humanity will be stripped to pieces and I will one day snap and be put down. The human in me was in balance with the beast that lurks in the shadows of my brain and yet my wolf still has the upper hand when it came to control. My thoughts, my senses, my actions... Were more or less a battle for who gets control. I didn't know if it was normal for that kind of thing to be happening. I used to wonder if others had the same problem or if it was just me.

This wasn't something that I talked about with others. They were just thoughts that popped into my mind, thoughts that I wanted to know the answers to but knew there was a slim chance of getting them.

Today's human society was filled with judgment and standards all of which every supernatural creature had to evolve to in order to fit in. If I asked the questions that ran through my mind I would be belittled and treated like a child who doesn't know what they are talking about. Asking would be like suicide to everything I worked so hard for. Could I possibly be out of balance? Or is this just as tough for every shapeshifter? They taught us that our wolves were equally matched with the soul of our human's so that our wolf won't try to rip us apart from the inside out like in the ancient stories written on the walls of the caves of Credamean. In the beginning of high school every supernatural was required to take both the classes human's take and classes that offered information about the race you were. All my information came from what I was taught. What always got me was the fact that us werewolves were not all wolf just like we, unfortunately, are not all human. Regular human social studies showed me that not everything applies to everyone the same way.

But you aren't human.

The words traveled through my brain. Echoing. Mocking me, like a permanent stain on my favorite shirt.


"I am" I growled. Hanson sprinted besides me pushing past the people in the crowd. Our target, Frank Haeves, was in our line of view but the human filled parade being hosted made getting the job done a little more difficult.

"Difficult?" Hanson huffed underneath his breath. He never let his sight stray from Frank but his attention was obviously double sided.

"Stay out of my head, Hanson!" My lip curled, a inhuman snarl rippled from my chest. Hanson was one of the best at what we do and he was everything you could want in a partner: loyal, intelligent, and will have your back...for the most part. But for every good trait in some one there is always the bad.

"Don't be so dramatic, princess."

Frank looked back at us, fear streached out across his face, but he didn't dare stop.

"He knows better then to do that, sweet cheeks." Hanson chuckled darkly and he was right. Frank of all people should know that we are animals that love the chase.

"What did I say?"

"That we love the chase?"

The crowd was growing thick as the time passed. We had been tracking Frank for a little more then a month now and we finally have him. He's just a little out of our grasp. I hoped that he wasn't smart enough to stay in this populated area. I hoped that we would chase him right into the woods.

A large purple float drove a little bit a head of us, a alley taking its place. Frank was now toppling over the clumsy clowns parading in the street. He ran through them, stumbling like a baby taking it's very first steps. He was the bowling ball and them the lighty weighted pins. There was a large gap between the clowns and the next float giving one us the chance to catch up while the other can take the alley to cut off Frank at the end of the corner.

"Great idea. I call the alley" Hanson calls out slipping past the cheerleaders and band players and into the alley. Frank was now across the street making a turn around corner of the Glade'a'more Sweets building and I was right on his tail. The side streets were blocked off and everyone's attention was on the parade. No one was on the street we turned into but I could still hear the racket from behind us.

Just as Frank was crossing the street a black sedan rammed into him, flinging him into the air. When he hit the ground he landed with a sickening crack. I could hear his heart beating, his lungs wheezing, his blood rushing through his body trying to restore itself. His cries and whimpers filling the air.

"Did you really have to hit him with a car?" I ask as Hanson steps out of the car, slamming the door shut, leaning against the car roof top.

"Yes" Hanson said, a sincere look on his face "Yes, I did. I was not about to keep chasing him. You know we get tired too"

"Your tired?" I stared at him skeptically. Hanson could run for months on end. I seen him do it. He was no normal werewolf. He was the child of Ackrali. One of the Ancients. One of the very first of our kind. And just like his father Hanson inherited powers. I only know about his telephay and I've known him for more then 6 years.

Hanson's eyes lowered. His lips quivered as a sly smile was thrown my way. "No, not really"

"Where did you even get the car from?"

"Well, I didn't steal it if that's what you mean...."

I pursed my lips."You didn't steal the car?" Frank groaned in pain. He was trying to drag himself away from where he laid in the middle of the vacant street.

"....No." he starts " More like I borrowed it" Hanson glances over at Frank who was still trying to get away. He was covered in blood. His clothes were torn and his body was was filled with grime and scrapes. Neither of us made a move to go get him. We just stood back and watched until we were ready to get him. It wasn't like he was going any where any time soon. His healing was damaged and he was weak so he couldn't change into his wolf.

"You borrowed it without the person's permission?"

"Look at it this way. The owner left the doors open and the keys in the glove department. They deserve This."

"Sure they don't. That's just something you tell yourself to make what you do seem a little bit better."

"Possibly." He shrugged and leaned off the car. "We should really get him cuffed and get going before someone strays down this street and reports us."

"You cuff'em. I'll drive."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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