Help im crisis

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Whew Chile this chapter gonna get L I T
(Ps. Sorry Andrew and jack; not really)

Andrew rushed into the school, trumpet case in hand. He had missed the bus and forced his poor mother to drive him. She had dropped him off with only two minutes until his first class of the day. He sprinted down the hallway, nearly knocking out a 7th grader with his trumpet. Normally Andrew would drop off his trumpet at the music room but he didn't have a lot of time so he decided to just bring it to first period. First period, which just so happened to be Earth Science Lab. Oh and he did announcements every morning, did I mention that?

"I guess Macy can handle it today," Andrew mumbled to himself, out of breathe, "I'm already late".

After arriving at his locker he punched in his code and after grabbing his science binder he sprinted down the hallway towards the science room. Not even noticing the person that stood directly in front of him.

Before he even knew it Andrew was falling forward, putting out his arms to catch himself, dropping the trumpet along the way. He could here the clunk of the case and winced for his sweet baby. Not for long though because when he caught himself he realized he was directly over a very familiar face.

"Jack!" Andrew said, blushing a bit

Jack and Andrew had been best friends for a long time, living in the same neighborhood and all, they normally rode the bus together. They would have rode together this morning had Andrew not been such a clutz with getting ready.

"Uhhh Andrew?"


"You wanna get off of me?"

Andrew blushes even more quickly sitting up on his knees. Jack sits up too, rubbing his forehead where Andrew and him had bumped heads.

"Sorry" Andrew says, reaching down to grab his trumpet case.

"It's fine" jack says, smiling, to show he is alright.

Andrew stands up, reaching out his hand to Jack to help him up. Jack grabbed his hand standing with a grunt. Jack was too focused on the ringing bell to notice the red dusting Andrews cheeks.

"I gotta go" jack says, rushing past Andrew to get to class.

"Bye" Andrew barely whispers, still winded from the experience. What was he doing? He was straight. He rushed off to his first period.

When he walked in the door Andrews eyes immediately drifted to his friends seated in the corner. They were all laughing about some joke someone had told. He wasn't going to lie, it was moments like these where he felt really left out. His one friend, Rylee, was once one of his closest friends but lately she had been hanging out with this group of friends who all pretty much hated him.

His teacher, Mr Levy, barely batted an eye that he was late and he went to take his seat. Today was a work day and was basically a study hall because he had finished all his labs.

He wouldn't admit it to himself but he couldn't stop thinking about Jack. His ex, Leah, was always joking with him that he was gay but he always just argued that he wasn't. What was happening to him?

"Pssst Andrew, ur mom gay" Rylee whispers over to him.

Well ok then

"What's up? You look depressed" Rylee asks, turning away from her DOPE KLANCE FAN-FICTIONS.

"Ja- N-nothing!" He responded, turning his face down to hide the blush

Jandrew, written in the stars (or should I say lunch room)Where stories live. Discover now