Through my daughter's eyes

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May 2nd:

"There she is." W thought to himself.

Seeing her finally in front of him for the first time. Through his daughter's eyes – he watched from the moment they met to the moment she took her last breath. The amount of gratitude he had for her, could not be expressed in words. "She was an angel on Earth, there's no other explanation."


"Hello." W finally mustered out.

"Hi. Am I where I think I am?" she responds.

"Yes. Welcome Home."

"It's not what I was expecting. And it all happened so family. What about my family?"

"You and I both know, they will be okay. Not today, not tomorrow, but they will eventually be okay."

"You're right. I do know." She says as she had suddenly been overcome with an unexplainable sense of peace.

"Who are you?" she asks.

"I've known you for a long time. I've also known you would be here today."

She was confused. Though she sensed no fear or hesitation. She was surprised by how much she already trusted him. As if the feelings of anxiety or unsureness, no longer existed. She took a moment to finally view her surroundings. The ground looked like clouds – white, foggy clouds. Turning her head, she soon realized that they were standing on what appeared like floating clouds. Everything was bright, but there was no sun. No animals, or other people. It was peaceful; serene. She noticed she was also wearing all white. And that all her aches and pains were gone.

"It takes a little while to feel completely acclimated." W suddenly speaks, breaking through her train of thought.

"He is waiting. But said we could have a chance to catch up."

"Catch up? Did I know you once?"

"I know you." W responds surely.

"I know you were born in Mexico. And were married to your husband for over 30 years. I know that you gave birth to 4 daughters but raised many. I know that you're the kind of woman who would give the shirt off your back to anyone in need. The kind of woman who always put others before herself. The same woman who in her later years, fighting her own dementia, took in a complete stray. A young girl with nowhere to further run or hide. A girl who was misguided, and broken. A girl you had only met once before and at that point, you could no longer remember. A girl who needed love. The kind of love that only someone like you could give. I know you because I knew you through my daughter's eyes. Her eyes full of love and gratitude for you, helped fuel my spirit. How I longed to be there for her, and maybe you wouldn't of ever had to get involved. But I couldn't thank God more for you. My own flesh and blood, my heart and soul; my daughter. You showed her grace, and mercy. You showed her unconditional love. You showed her how to forgive. You helped her put the pieces back together again. Yes! I know you. I've known you for a long time and I knew you would be here today."

"I know who you speak of. I did love her as my own. You have nothing to be remorseful for. I would do it again, no questions asked."

"I know." W can barely make out anymore words as his voice cracks.

"Hey. I know you too. Through your daughter's eyes – I saw the resilience and discipline you instilled in her. The courage and brave heart you gave to her. I saw the brokenness, pain, addiction, and abuse she endured but I saw the strength she was able to tap into, to raise herself up from the ashes. I saw her underlying kindness and compassion. I saw how much she wished you were still there for her. I saw her eyes gleam when she spoke of you. As well as the sudden sadness she would feel after, realizing she had to speak of you in the past tense. I saw the love you once gave her and how she so desperately needed it. I know you through your daughter's eyes and her eyes are the most beautiful eyes to know you from. You need not fret. For I would do it all over again."

They embrace for a hug with tear filled eyes. Both full of admiration and respect for one another. W spent the last several years holding this woman to the highest regards. He fathered a young girl he was destined to leave behind. A young girl who would suppress the grief of his death and reflect it into pain and agony. What would be of that young girl now, he thought, had she never met the woman he was now in the presence of.

Composing himself, W looks into the angel's eyes – "Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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