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🌌 an awkward twenty
two year old law student
who loves playing video
games on youtube and

🌆 loves to play story
based games && not
so scary horror games.

🌌 his favourite games
are detroit: become
human and stardew

🌆 loves playing games
like roblox and fortnite
when he's bored, stupidly
okay at fortnite dances.

🌌 has two precious
cats named glaceon
and flareon, like the

🌆 one hundred eighty
four centimetres or
six foot.

🌌 usually pretty soft and
nice, but would also love to
have more friends.

🌆 will AND can dye his
hair every colour of the

🌌 probably drinks too
much cherry soda and
root beer.

🌆 calls people, “ mate „
way too much

🌌 has an “ iq of a cheeto „

🌌 has an “ iq of a cheeto „

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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