Day 1 - Music

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The culture festival had opened a floodgate of things that Eijirou noticed about Bakugou, some of which kept him up at night, but his absolute favorite of them had to be the music.

There was subtle music, it seemed, to everything that Bakugou did, be it training or studying or even just sitting on the couch in the common room.

Eijirou had first noticed it when they were working out at the gym and Eijirou noted that he was listening to music as he ran on the treadmill, one earbud in his ear with the other free so he could listen to the redhead speak. After that, he noticed Bakugou would tap out rhythms on his desk during class, even hum a few notes under his breath sometimes.

He was surprised, to be honest, that he hadn't noticed before how much Bakugou relied on music. He had seen multiple times how, after verbally blowing up, Bakugou would stalk to his room and listen to loud music to calm himself down. And he had woken up, after Kamino, to hear classical music from Bakugou's room in the middle of the night.

He didn't think anyone noticed these sort of things about Bakugou like he did, though he also doubted anyone else paid as much attention to the fiery blond either.

After what happened later, Eijirou was glad he did.

It was the middle of training, and the class was sparring one another. Eijirou had been teamed against Kaminari and had been thoroughly zapped, so he was sitting dazedly on the sidelines with the similarly-incapacitated blond and watching the rest of the class fight.

At first, Eijirou didn't know what was happening, he just saw his classmates all rush over to where Bakugou had been sparring with Sero. He got up, thinking Bakugou had gone overboard again, but when he heard the talk of a ‘panic attack’ he started running. Eijirou knew it wasn't Sero they were talking about.

When he got to the center of the group, he saw Aizawa kneeling concernedly by a curled up and shaking Bakugou, trying in vain to calm him down. Eijirou, remembering that music calmed him when he woke in the night and hoping it had the same effect now, quickly found Jirou.

“Do you have any classical music on your phone?” He asked hurriedly, and Jirou gave him a look.

Right, dumb question.

Eijirou was about to ask someone else when Momo spoke up beside Jirou, pulling her phone from a belt pocket, “Here, I have some.”

Eijirou thanked her quickly and took the offered items before falling to his knees beside his best friend. While his teacher and classmates watched, he held the phone up to Bakugou's ear and pressed play.

As soon as the soft symphony began playing, Bakugou stopped shuddering. Eijirou watched with relief as his friend slowly calmed down, while his classmates watched in awe.

Bakugou looked up and at the phone, following the arm holding it to Eijirou and blinking owlishly at him. He tried giving the blond a patient smile, causing him to look away with blushing cheeks.

He must be embarrassed, ’ Eijirou thought to himself, before putting an arm around him and helping him up.

Later that day, he was sitting in Bakugou's room on his floor with him on the bed, classical music playing softly in the background. Was it Bach? Mozart? Eijirou made a promise to himself to learn more classical composers so he could further help.

He noticed every so often Bakugou would look over to him and look away, but he didn't know why or what was going through his head when he did it.

After a few minutes of trading looks, Bakugou looked down to the book in his hand, going uncharacteristically quiet.


Eijirou looked up at him, confused, “How what?”

“How did you know to put on music? Let alone, ” he fumbled, “This music?”

Eijirou smiled kindly at his friend, “That’s easy bro, I know classical calms you down when you're upset.”

Bakugou's brows furrowed, clearly, that wasn't the answer he was looking for, “But how did you know that music calms down?”

The redhead sighed and leaned back onto his hands, “Well, I saw that whenever you blow up at someone you come and listen to loud, angry music to calm yourself down. But the classical specifically, I hear it in the middle of the night sometimes.”

The other boy froze up at that, his eyes widening when he continued, “Yeah, it's so quiet in the middle of the night that I can hear it clearly. I like listening to it, but not what I know it means.”

He looked up at Bakugou and saw him begin to curl in on himself and frowned. He got up and sat behind him, putting a hand on his back.

“Hey, don't do that. What I mean is, music is a great way to calm yourself down, I just don't like the fact that when I hear it, it means you've had another nightmare.”

“Yeah, well, what the fuck else am I supposed to do about it then?” He snapped his head towards him and Eijirou realized with a start that Bakugou was crying.

He reached up a hand to cup Bakugou's cheek and wiped a tear away with his thumb, “You can always come to get me.”

Bakugou stared at him and Eijirou smiled softly, willing him to believe him. Whatever he saw in his eyes caused his own to widen in realization, before they began overflowing once again. He then turned back around and laid back against Eijirou's chest, tucking his face into the boy's neck.

“Thank you, ” he said softly, and Eijirou didn't let himself worry about what it was that he had just given away about his feelings.

As he wrapped his arms around Bakugou and allowed the soothing melodies of the music wrap around him as well, he didn't worry about anything.

Here's the first day! This went through a lot of changes but whew I'm finally done!

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