Chapter 1

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Max's POV



Yet darker...

It seems that I end up in this situation a lot; physically and mentally. I get in arguments with either my mom or dad, hell maybe even both at times. But it always ends the same, someone loses their shit completely, some punches and kicks are given out like candy, then I always end up out cold on the carpeted floor.

I tried everything that would or could make them stop, bargaining,

" Please! I'll do anything just stop!"


" I swear if you hit me again I'm calling child protective services! This is abuse"

Fuck I even tried being nice and agreeing with them,

" Ok I see why you had to do that. I promise I wont do it again, honest."

But the punches just kept rolling and the tears and the screaming just kept fucking rolling! I couldn't take it anymore. The fear I felt when I was younger of being hit or hated by the ones I loved was all rushing back to me except instead of it being my twisted thoughts of how humans and their emotions work it was all reality, and the bruises and blood; dried or not somewhere on my face was all real.

It seems no matter what I say or do it always ends in it being my fault.

"Shut up you're the reason we're like this!"


"Oh look at that. All because of Max the dog ran away honey."

Oh! And who could forget my all time favorite.

"You're the reason you're sister's dead you waste of fucking space!"

I was only 9 when all this was happening, and like every other kid when under stress I cried. In my room, in the deepest section of my closet I held my only source of comfort I had left; A beat up, torn stuffed bear I got for my 6th birthday, It reminded me of better times before all of this ever started and from that day forward I fully convinced myself, I hate my Parents.

Every little thing, I took the blame for and it was tugging at the heartstrings that held the love and respect for my parents and one day I had enough. I ran to my room and locked the door grabbing the dark blue backpack I was given from one of my mom's old friends from when I first started school and frantically started packing the bag with clothes and books and a few markers and colored pencils along with my sketch book because I was planning to run away. I then quietly crept downstairs and packed myself a lunch, I was so used to doing everything by myself and I'm still at a young age, I'm not even a full adult yet. I looked to my left and saw my father black out drunk on the couch, but I kept doing what I was doing.

I made 2 sandwiches; one turkey and cheese and the other being peanut butter, honey, and bananas. Then I packed a grape and cherry flavored juice box and set them all together on the counter with the sandwiches. I quickly ran back upstairs and grabbed my blue hoodie, my lunchbox, and the backpack then ran back downstairs and stuffed the food items in my lunchbox. I put on my hoodie and backpack then grabbed my lunch and started towards the door, putting my shoes on while I stood in the hallway towards the door. I was just about to leave when I looked to the right and saw My stuffed bear, Mr. Honeynuts thrown up against the wall from me and my parents last argument. I quickly ran over to him and grabbed him pulling him close to my chest and letting out a sudden gasp of breath I didn't know I was holding in.

I turned around, Mr. Honeynuts and my lunchbox in either hand, backpack on.. well my back and loaded with everything I would need, My softest blue hoodie and the hood up and over my head of soft black curls as I looked back at the living room of the house that I once was able to call home. I inhaled sharply but as soon as it was in it was let back out in a deep exhale, I turned towards the door and put my lunchbox down to open it and once it was I took one more look at the living room and stepped out into the cool breeze of the outdoors.

I was free!

No more yelling

No more crying and hitting

But the one problem I realized as soon as it hit me was...

I may be free but...

Where am I gonna Go?

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