RiD 2015: Hybrid (Slipstream X OC) Pt. 1

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(a/n: I will try to publish every night/day but it's not definite. Apologies for the hint of bad language)
1st Person POV
Hello, the name's Maddi. I'm Russell Clay's half-sister and Sideswipe's my guardian.
It is currently after school on Friday and I am waiting for Sideswipe to come pick me up. His red sports car V-mode pulled to a stop on the side of the road and I jumped in.
"Do anything interesting today?" I ask as he drives over the bridge and out of Crown City.
"Apart from kicking 'Con aft and Strongarm being a glitch, nothing," He answers, pulling into the scrapyard.
"What about you?" He asks as I get out and he transforms.
"Will was being a bitch today," I say, referring to William Darby.
"Don't mention that kid's designation near 'Bee," Sideswipe warns as I shrug and walk away. A quick glance around the scrapyard shows me what everyone or 'Bot is doing. Denny is moving/organizing stuff with Russell helping, Strongarm's not here, so I assume she's out on patrol, Grimlock is smashing stuff, no surprise there, 'Bee's double-checking the stasis pods, Drift and Jetstorm are meditating, Fixit is decoding something, and Slipstream is... staring at me?
"Hey 'Stream, something wrong?" I ask, climbing up the mountain of washing machines.
"N-no, why would there be, Master?" Drift's mini-cons tried to call me 'mistress' but I eventually got them to call me 'Master'.
"I don't know. Mind getting me an Energon cube?" I say as a faint tint of blue colors his faceplate
(a/n: I know that they blush red but blue makes more sense).

"Right away," He says as he runs away. Laughing to myself as I open my school laptop to start on my homework.
Now I have time I will introduce myself properly. My full name is Madeline Blue. my mom is Cara Blue and my father I haven't met, yet. I'm a techno-organic, which means I'm half-cybertronian, half-human. Fifteen-years-old, 6' 2'. Electric-blue eyes that my mom says I got from my father and dark purple hair. Police Cadet in-training.
Slipstream's voice shakes me from my thoughts and a blue cube speeds towards me. It leaves a red mark on the bridge of my nose, where it hit my face.
"Master, I am so sorry," Slipstream apologizes.
"Don't worry, it'll go away soon," I tell him as Drift calls him and he disappears. I hate Math, who needs complicated equations in real life?
My phone buzzes and I find a message from the CCPD; Cadet Blue, you are needed for an assignment. What the fuck? I'm needed for a real assignment?! I send a comm. to Strongarm, /Strongarm, can you hurry back to the scrapyard, I'm needed for an assignment/
/A real assignment? I'm almost back/ She comms back. I go into the Diner to change my school uniform to my Police one.
Strongarm's police jeep V-mode pulls to a stop outside and I get in. She speeds off.
"So you got called for a real assignment?" Strongarm confirms.
"Yeah, don't know what it is though," I say as she drops me off down the street from the police station.
As I walk into the building, Commander Dever waves me over.
"Yes, sir?" I ask. "Cadet Blue, I have an assignment for you. Our other officers are occupied with other assignments," Cmdr. Dever starts.
"You and officer Firara are to bring in fugitive Scar," He tells me as he hands me a stun-gun, all I am allowed until I become a proper officer. A redhead woman in her late teens hurries into the room.
"Sorry sir!" she calls out as she turns to me with a smile.
"Officer Firara, this is Cadet Blue," Cmdr. Dever introduces us as we shake hands. We got out of the police station and into Firara's car that looks suspicious like Barricade. Pulling out onto the road, she asks me a question, "Are you familiar with Cybertronians?"  I live with them.
"Yeah..." I trail off. "'Cade, you can speak now," She says as the Decepticon sign on the steering wheel, which I didn't even know was there, lights up as Barricade starts speaking.
To be continued...

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