- chapter seven -

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two days before Y/N's birthday...

Hyunjin's POV

Jeongin and I were about to leave the dorms to buy Y/N's birthday present, but as we were walking through the dorms we noticed Y/N was here. I had no idea and was so happy to see her, she gave me her perfect smile and I could only smile back.

I picked up my phone from the couch and noticed Minho was hugging Y/N. I couldn't help but feel jealousy creeping in at the sight of it. Jeongin immediately noticed and snickered to himself, I lightly slapped his arm before dragging him out.

"Since I told you my plan before we left, what are you going to get her?" I asked Jeongin as we entered the mall.

"I'm going to get her a pretty card and lots and lots of chocolate! Felix told me which chocolates are her favourites so I am going to get as many of them as I can find!" He said excitedly, with a big smile on his face.

"How comes you're so excited?"

"Well, we're always buying presents for boys but we've never had to plan for a girl before! It's really exciting to me" He said, I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Okay, lets focus on the presents now okay?" I said and he nodded.

Felix's POV

So it's not long until Y/N's birthday, and I have been put in charge of making sure everything goes to plan. I made sure no one's presents to Y/N are the same and I also have managed to get decorations, food and drinks for a small party in our dorm. Most importantly, I organised for her to have a video call with parents so she gets to see them on her birthday. They can also talk to who she is friends with and who is looking after her so they can be sure she is in good hands.

"Felix, what is Hyunjin planning for Y/N? Everyone else is telling each other their ideas except him, and you have to know!" Jisung asked me and I shook my head.

"He asked me not to tell anyone, and he has a very cute and sweet idea, and I had to help out as he was too nervous to do one part of it, so you will find out soon" I said calmly and he pouted.

"Finee..." He whined, going on his phone and calling someone.

"Jeongin! What's Hyunjin's idea for Y/N's birthday? FELIX WONT TELL ME" He shouted purposely so I would hear, I laughed and then listened to his second rejection.


"YOU NEVER SLEEP" Jisung fired back, before I knew it there was a stupid argument across the dorm.



I gave up with trying to stop it after a while and decided to write my card to Y/N instead...

To Y/N,

Happy Birthday! I hope today is one of the best birthdays you'll ever have, you deserve it! Thank you for being so kind to us all, listening and understanding more than anyone else could. Ever since you've become a part of us, we've all been so much happier, who knew we needed a third Aussie to make our group perfect? Honestly, it's been so little time but you're my best friend who I could trust with my life, thank you for everything and I can't wait to spend more time with you! :)

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