locket ///PonyBoy x Reader

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(Ummm Mature Content and Language... You've been warned👍)
PonyBoys Pov:
Y/n, Johnny and I were the trio nobody could break. Y/n was sitting on the couch down stairs waiting for me to go to the park we had decided to spend the afternoon together. I can't go... I'm way to nervous... I want to ask her out because... Well I'm in love with her... I can't I just can't go. I'll make a fool of my self. What if she rejects me?! What if she says she already has someone and it isn't me. "What's wrong kiddo?" Darry walked into my room/the room I share with Soda. "Y/n is waiting for me in the living room, and she's waiting on me to go to the park. And I want to ask her out... But I'm scared of rejection" I said being completely honest... Even if I did sound a bit like a pussy.
"Well... Why would she reject you?"
I was hesitant to answer but I did.
"Because at school, there is this boy, that also has the hots for her... He's always flirting and hitting on her..." I was regretting even asking her to come with me tonight. "But they ain't together... Which means if she did like him back, they'd be together, but they ain't... Which means she don't wanna be with him... Cmon you got this" Darry was never this comforting.. I guess he understood what I was going through. "Alright I'll do it." My confidence was regained. I was gonna ask out the girl I love an- At that moment I heard the door open then a few seconds later it closed. Did Y/n leave... I took so long... She might have just gone back home... I sprint down stairs and.. And she's still their... But she's talking to that kid... Jose. I went back a few steps to see if I could hear there conversation. "Hey Y/n~" Jose said in a tone that made me gag.
"Hello Jose..?" She sounded confused... Like...why the fuck was he here? "I wanted to ask if ya gonna do anything later?~" He asked with same tone. She kinda scooted away from him a bit because was beginning to touch her thigh. "I-I....I" She was getting flustered. This jackass. He began to rub her thigh. "I-I... I-I" She kept stuttering. I can't this, jerk has ta go. "She's going to Darry Queen
(haha... See what I did there😂)
with me and after were going to the park to watch the sunset.. So she is going to be busy" I barrged in and Y/n got up,so me being me I hugged her and I could tell she was happy to see me.I have no idea where that aggressive side of me came from... But all I knew was that I didn't want her anywhere near him. "Oh... That must suck... I feel bad... Because I was going to invite you to a movie" Jose said pretending to sound hurt. He was a South Side Soc.... Of course he had the money to take her anywhere. But me.. I don't have much to offer... Wait what if she wants go with him... "Well no it's not sad, because unlike with you, I actually want to go see the sunset with PonyBoy. All you want is my body... PonyBoy respects me... And I don't have to worry about him raping me then leaving" She said hugging me tighter. At that point I didn't know how to react or what I should say or do.... "Aww cmon babe, I could give you anything you want... Unlike him. I can give you the best nights of your life" He told her. "But you wanna know what PonyBoy has that you will never have?" She responded. "What's that, sweetcheeks?" He crossed his arms. "My love" She responded and before I could process what the hell just happened, my lips met hers. I couldn't believe this was actually happening to me. I did what anyone would do... I kissed her back. And while her back was facing him. I flipped him off. He of course got pissed and took off. After we broke the kiss we were blushing messes.
"L-lets go to Darry Queen n-now.." I said trying not to stutter but of course I failed... Obviously... She nodded in response. We headed to Darry Queen and the air was full of awkward silences... Expect a few compliments. We got our ice cream and walked over to the park. We sat on a hill waiting for the sun to set. "I... I want to say sorry for kissing you... I understand that you don't like me back but I need to get this off my mind... I'm in love with you..." She embraced herself, like if I was going to reject her. The sun was setting... so it was now or never. "Y/n...your the most beautiful, funniest, smartest, cutest, perfect person I have ever met... And I don't understand why you'd be sorry for kissing me... Because as a matter of fact I'm in love with you as well. And I'm so happy that, that moment happened... Because that should mean your ok with... Well... This" I leaned in and kissed her. It wasn't rough... But rather it was soft and slow. When we broke the kiss, she was red. And I pulled out a locket and handed it to her... She opened it and it was a picture of me and her. "Pony... It's beautiful..." She was in amazement. "Will... Will you be m-my girlfriend?"
She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Of course PonyBoy... I love you" I couldn't help but kiss her again.
It... It... It was the... GANG?!
"GET SOME!!!" I could tell that was Dallas,"TOLD YA!!!", Darry, "MY BABY BOY HAS A GIRLFRIEND FINALLY!!!", Soda, " DONT GET TO CLOSE!!", Two-Bit, "I'M SO PROUD!!", Johnny. That's when it clicked... I told Darry what I was planning... He must have told the gang. "BULLSHIT!!"..... Jose...? I broke the kiss with Y/n and the gang was cheering and had confetti. " SUCK ON THAT JOSE!!! SHE'S MINE AND I'M NOT LETTING HER GO!! NOT NOW AND NOT EVER!!!"

Ok... That was my first one shot on here... I actually really like it... Lemme know if you guys enjoyed it💕 I will be doing the rest of the gang, but it may take me a while because.. I'm lazy😂😂anyways, ya girl out💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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