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Having Venom was, in its own funny, slightly fucked up way, the best thing that ever happened to Eddie. Sure, it took awhile for them to get their relationship into something resembling working order, and the symbiote called him a loser on the regular, but it was nice having someone who wouldn't leave because he couldn't communicate properly.

Ironic as it was for a reporter, Eddie had always had a hard time expressing his thoughts and feelings, and most relationships had ended because of miscommunication or him "not showing affection", i.e. not giving them the kind of affection they wanted. Anne had been different, she'd understood and accepted that Eddie's brain worked a little differently, and his "I love you" looked different as a result. But in the end, he had gravely overestimated what Anne's "trust" meant, and after six months and one averted apocalypse, he no longer felt any regret about the loss of their relationship. A little guilt, maybe, but no anger, remorse, hate. If he was being honest, he's kind-of happy things turned out this way. Anne is happy, and she and Dan are his friends. He's glad.

He does feel guilty about lying to them, though. Venom is alive and well and Dan, the sweetheart, is planning a memorial because he doesn't know. Steeling his resolve, Eddie hits send on his "we need to talk" text to Anne, and finally, finally, falls asleep.

Venom had noticed a few things about their new host. From the first day they were together, they picked up on certain anomalies, odd, flyaway thoughts in Eddie that they still couldn't make sense of. When Eddie had gone to Anne in the 'restaurant' (the place with alive food), the rational part of Eddie that was no longer in control but they could still hear had seemed very upset by what Venom was doing, and the word "meltdown" floated into their awareness. There was also the word "cronch" when Venom (finally!) took a bite out of alive food.

There were other things, memories of a smaller version of their host that resurfaced at the beginning when Venom would insult him.

Eddie's apartment was confusing too, some aspects of it meticulously neat, controlled, while others were complete chaos.

Eddie used a notepad to take notes on things, even though the symbiote had seen the other reporters all using their 'phones' to do the same thing.

Eddie's laptop was strange as well. It had something covering it, Eddie had once supplied 'case' when they asked, which was oddly textured, but clearly intended to be so, and Eddie would often start running his hands across it when his stress levels were too high.

Most noticeably, Eddie would invariably think "samefood" whenever Venom asked for tater-tots.

Eddie was strange, in a way that other humans didn't seem to be. It didn't matter though. Strange or not, Eddie was theirs.

Eddie woke up sometime after noon, to his phone informing him that Anne had texted back.

"I'd love to Eddie

Meet us at Buena Vista

Lunch on the Haight


Realizing just how close to now that was, he scrambled to get ready and out the door, his symbiote taking the helm to get them there on time.

Once he spotted Anne and Dr. Dan on the steps he did a quick check to make sure Venom was out of sight for the time being and walked up to them as casually as he could.

"Eddie! It's great to see you!" Anne got up and held out her arms to signal she wanted a hug, and Eddie was happy to oblige. Dan was more cautious, as was Eddie, but the doctor gave him a friendly, "How've you been buddy!" and offered his hand.

Eddie stared at it. "I'm doing good, Dan, thanks. Really good. I don't really like to shake hands."

Dr. Dan mouthed a quiet 'oh' and awkwardly lowered his arm. Anne, sensing the tension that had built up, interjected,

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