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*Keith's perspective*

-Today is the day- I tell myself trying to raise my confidence as today I told myself I will confess. Confess to my crush Lance McClain~ Though it isn't really working out because I'm a nervous reck, but here goes nothing. I drop the note that I wrote a little earlier into his locker and quickly run off to head home and get mentally prepared to meet up with Lance.

*Lance's perspective*

"Bye pidge" I say walking away from my friend to my locker. When I open it a note falls out, I pick it up and read it in my head

Dear Lance,
I have something I've been meaning to tell you but I have to say it in person. So can you meet up with me at the park on Altean ST at 5:30 p.m.
                                              Keith K.

My heart is racing after I read the letter. My mind going back and forth -could this mean what i think it  means- I can feel heat rush to my face. I shake it off and head home preparing myself for anything that can happen. But the thought still runs in my brain -could Keith Kogane like me the way I like him-

*Keith's perspective*

I am waiting at the park trying to think of what to say while my mind is giving me the worst possibilities -what if he doesn't show up. What if he rejects me. WHAT IF HE JUST RUNS AWAY- Then I hear footsteps coming towards me. I look over to see Lance and all of a sudden my anxiety is swept away. My heart starts pumping and my mind is blank "you wanted to tell me something?" Lance says in a questioning manner. I perk up "oh y-yeah I um I just want to say that I kinda sorta might like you. Ok I have a huge crush on you, you make me feel this way that no one has ever made me feel. Your generous, kind, loyal, and perfect to me. I love the way your eyes remind me of the ocean. I want to kiss every single freckle on your cheeks and I'm rambling aren't I-" My words are cut off by the clash of Lance's lips. And at that moment I completely melted

*Lance's perspective*

Hearing all the things Keith likes about me including myself, I couldn't help it I pulled him into a kiss and he kissed right back. For that moment it felt like the world froze, like nothing matters anymore as long as I'm here with him. I pull away for a second to tell him "I like you to Keith" My hand on his cheek I could tell that both of us were blushing madly then Keith ask me "then Lance McClain will you go out with me" He says with the cutest dorkiest grin i have ever seen. And of course I have no hesitation "Yes" I say before pulling him back into a kiss

                      ❤ The End 💙

( I hope you enjoyed my first entry to this jumble of stories I will be writing. This was really fun to write and can't wait to write the next chapter. See you then

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