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-Takes place after end of fourth episode.

Violet's pov


It's been a few weeks since everything had gone down. There has been no signs of Lilly's group since she ran away that fateful night. The fact that she escaped has put us all on edge. We're afraid that she'll return for the rest of us. Hopefully we won't be worth her time.

 Aside from the lingering fear hanging over us all, everything else has been going smoothly. Almost perfect. The last traumatic event to occur was having to carry Clem's unconscious body back home. That wasn't fun at all. There was so much blood... everyone was in panic and fearful for her life. She had saved us all and we owed her so much. We couldn't pay her back if she was dead. I couldn't lose her. There were so many things I wanted to experience with her.

After tying off her leg and filling her with lots of water, she pulled through somehow. Now she's even walking on her own. With crutches of course. Even though she's up and moving around, she's yet to fend off the infection which has proven to be painful. That axe blade wasn't exactly sterile. She never lets the others see the pain she's going through though. I admire her for her strength, but it's also sort of sad. Seeing her struggle like this. It's not like her. I hope one day she'll be right as rain and just as competent as she once was, but for now I'm content with caring for her while she recovers. I alone get to see sides of her that no one else does.

One night after dinner, as I helped Clem out of the picnic table she told AJ,

"Head up to bed. I'll be there after I get my bandages changed."

Now, Clem only let two people change her bandages. Me and Ruby. Ruby wouldn't even let me touch it for a few days. I had to earn this duty after proving that I could redress her leg without contaminating it or hurting her. Now Clem mostly opts for me to do it.
We made our way up to my room. It took some time to get up the steps, but she managed.

"Do you need any help?"I asked.

"Oh, I don't want your pity", she said through labored breaths.

"We could always dress it in your room" I said.

I needed her to know that she didn't have to force her way up an extra flight of stairs.

"And miss spending extra time with you? No way"

Her response was flattering, but still, I hated to see her struggle so much.

Once we got to my room, she sat on the bed and we began the painful task of unwrapping what was left of her leg. The outer layers were the easy part. As she reached the center, Clem slowed the unravelling to a crawl. Though most of it had scabbed over, yellow pus still clung to the bandage as it was peeled away. It was all a mixture of browns, reds and yellows. In-between it all was a thin layer of meat which covered what remained of her shin bone, protruding through the half healling, half rotting flesh.

She peeled away the remainder of the bandage, grimaced, and let out a hiss as the last bit of flesh released its grip. I tried to stay strong, but the sight made my stomach turn. I didn't want her to think I saw any part of her as gross or revolting. I turned my head and retrieved the new bandages.

Before I could begin redressing, she stopped me.

"Can I rest it for a bit? The open air will help to dry it out. Can we just sit?"

"Alright" I agreed. I sat next to her on the bed. She rest her head on my shoulder and I took her hand into mine. I realized in that moment that we hadn't had a mont alone for a while. Since before the boat really... I tried not to think too much about it and instead just started to take everything in. Compared to most of the survivors out there, we have it pretty good. A roof over our heads, plenty of food, and to top it all off I even managed to nab a pretty awesome girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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