This Silence is Mine: A Sasuke Uchiha One-Shot

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Please Note that this is to be read slowly so that one may capture the essence of time that the story takes. It's not like your typical meet and greet night-time "festivities."


I've been coming up here for about a year now. It's quiet and away from everyone.

I can hear myself think.

I climbed the usual wall next to the waterfall and hauled myself up. I blinked and stared for a moment. It was pretty dark outside and I wasn't sure if my mind was playing tricks on me. I moved the hair from my face to see that it was real.

He blinked and also stared for a moment before I was standing on my feet. I scratched the back of my neck slowly before turning around and sitting on the edge. I wasn't expecting company today. From him no less.

Every festival I would come up to this cliff and see the fireworks in peace. Away from humanity and the smell of gunpowder. Though currently, I wasn't sure if he wanted to be alone or not. He could suck it. The place doesn't have his name or mine on it. So we'll share it I guess.

The fireworks started soon. I looked up into the sky as they started more rockets up. It was quiet again. I could hear myself think... I could hear him breathe, which reminded me I wasn't alone.

Turning around, I lowered half of my body to begin my descend and stopped. "Oyasumi, Uchiha-san."

I wasn't too sure if he answered or not, but I did continue on my quiet way down and left to go home.


I kept going to my not-so-secret-spot a lot. Sometimes, I would find the dark young man there and other times I would be alone. He was quiet. It was something I appreciated and something I guessed he did as well. It wasn't very often I found him alone. He always had his guard up. His eyes were always shrouded.

I sometimes wondered what had happened that made the villagers upset with him. Calling him names and insults.

He had arrived at the village a couple months after I had moved in. It's been two years since then... And these past few weeks have been the first time I'm near him.


Uchiha and I have kept bumping into each other, if not at the waterfall then near some empty fields. I normally kept quiet, and he didn't seem like the joking type so I held back on any comments I previously had about it. It was ironic really.

I had to roll my eyes when some squealing young ladies passed by him one day. That was the same day I found out we lived near each other.

I can't say I'm the brightest of people. I may be oblivious to many things, but I am not ignorant.


I was on my way out today because there was another festival in the village. I didn't want to be asked by any of the men to go with them. I avoided them like the plague. Shutting my door and taking a step back I bumped into someone. My long black hair shielded my eyes for a moment as I turned to apologize.

"Uchiha-san!" I was surprised to say the least and apologized immediately. He brushed it off, though he didn't glare at me like he normally would.

I followed slowly behind him. I knew where he was going today. I'm sure he knew where I was going today as well. It was a quiet agreement I guess. We've recently spent the holidays and festivals together... yet alone at the same time.

I didn't mind and neither did he. As we reached the waterfall, I looked up and tightened the warm coat. He disappeared from in front of me, jumping up onto the cliff we normally sat on.

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