Chapter 1

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"Angelina!" A stern voice called.

Angelina looked up from her book, "Yes, father?"

Her father, Samuel, was putting on his General coat. It fit his broad shoulders well, complimented his icy blue hair and wings. "I'm going to the meeting now. Your mother is on a trip to the Spring Cities, her and I won't be back for a few days. Will you be okay by yourself?"

"Yes, father." She replied obediently. 

"Good," Samuel replied.  "I'll be back before you know it" He leaned down and kissed his daughter, his only child, atop her head. 

Valkyries, which was what Angelina's family was, could only have one child per lifetime. Even then, the child only had a  20% chance of surviving childbirth. They were extremely rare creatures with elemental powers. Her father was a dark valkyrie. Her mother? Fire. Angelina herself was a light elemental. 

Samuel left, leaving Angelina in the cavernous mansion by herself. She waited a few minutes before sprinting upstairs. She had a date with an old friend.

Angelina changed clothes quickly, putting her straight, silvery hair in a low bun. She looked in the mirror. Her small, skinny stature was what greeted her, with her yellow eyes, yellow sundress, and her white wings folded behind her. 

She wasn't the prettiest thing in the world, but she didn't care. She smiled, hearing something hit her window. She rushed over to the window to see a man in his twenties standing there. If it weren't for his horns and catlike purple eyes, she wouldn't have recognized him.

She went to her balcony and flew down to him. It had been 5 years since they last saw each other in person. They, of course, wrote all the time. He looked a lot different compared to the small boy she knew as a child. 

Instead of pale, dirty, bruised skin, he had tan, evenly toned skin dotted with freckles. He was at least 6'6 and muscular, unlike when he was 5'4 and scrawny. 

"Miss Yorkson, forgive me for coming to the window." His thick Australian accent was still present. He took her hand and kissed it, "It has been so long, my dear friend."

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