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There should not have been warning lights going off on the night of January 11, 3010.
However, he found himself shouting at the other Exousia to run into the safe house.
They hadn't completed the tests.
Panic rushed over him like water dumped over his head.
It was all the workers fault. No doubt they would be punished. A mistake this big would cost every one of their lives.
If they ended up seeing the sky again.
He forced his mouth shut to keep from shouting out loud, anger pushing the blood from his heart to his head. There was no room for any other emotion but pure, unchecked fury.
He felt the undying need to find and massacre the human responsible for letting the EAS off too soon.
The rapping on the metal floor from the thundering feet matched the beat of his heart- pounding from terror and anger- as they scrambled desperately through the halls and out into the night air.
On a different occasion he would have stopped to take a breath and relish the night air, so different from the metallic scent inside the giant steel trap for a castle behind him. But tonight he was scrambling, stumbling, crashing as fast as he could towards the gigantic garden of steel before him.
His destination grew closer and closer, and the others burst forward with newfound ambition as they looked up and saw the brownish green fog-like smoke spreading over the sky until the blue was replaced with muddy congestion, less like the sky and more like a never ending murky swamp.
They reached the door and he shoved his way to the front, pulling a lever in the fountain and stepping back to avoid falling into the pit that gaped up at him, asking the same question he was.
Who did this?

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