Chapter 1

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Scarlett POV

Today was the day I was finally going to meet Joe. It was crazy that we'd been talking online for weeks but it felt like I knew everything about him.

I still couldn't get over the fact that he wanted to see me.

Everything had started with my little YouTube channel. At first, it started as a hobby because my acting career wasn't really taking off. But as my channel started gaining in popularity I thought, maybe it could be more than just something I did for fun.

It was on the internet that I met Joe.

I'd been watching his videos since the begining. He was the first youtuber I watched and had always been my favourite. When he followed me on twitter I found it hard to believe that it was actaully him.

But when we started talking and we seemed to just click.

I ran up the steps of the underground two at a time. As I stepped out onto the streets of London I couldn't quite believe I was here. It was my first time in London and I was scared of getting lost. I was supposed to met Joe at a nearby coffee shop so i texted him to tell him I was on my way.

There were so many people everywhere that it was making me stressed and nervous. What if he didn't like me? Hundreds of negative thoughts ran through my my mind but as I thought of the millions of texts and skype calls, i smiled. I was sure we would get on fine.

Just as i was nearly at the coffee shop I got a text from Joe:

Already here :) hurry up!!

I smiled to myself. I never liked being early.

When I got in the smell of coffee hit me like a summer breaze. Joe was sat in the corner looking at me expectantly. I took a deep breath and started to walk towards him. When I was just seconds from reaching the table I tripped, I felt everyones eyes fall on me.

Smooth moves, Scarlett.

I got up and sat down, staring into the eyes of Joe Sugg


She looked prettier in real life. Her golden hair longer and her blue eyes bluer.

It was funny that she had tripped but I didn't laugh too much. She laughed it off with a bright red face.

"I can't belive I'm actually meeting you." She said, with excitment in her voice. I smiled.

"I can't believe I'm meeting you."

The next few minutes passed in a blur. She was so easy to make conversation with her and we had loads in common. After finishing our coffee we left to go back to mine to film a video.

When we left it was chucking it down with rain so we ran onto the tube. We laughed the whole way back because our hair had been messed up.

By the time we were finally there the sun was out and it was late afternoon.

A/N - sorry if Joe seems out of charater this is my first real fanfic. I hope you like it so far? :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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