Going to Space

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As soon as Jimmy was going to close his eyes to sleep, a white flash showed from outside. First it was nothing. Then it shone, and shone, each time brighter. Jimmy got up to check it out. He looked out the window. It was pitch black outside, so he went downstairs, opened the door to the front yard to see what was happening. But the sound was coming from the back yard, he turned around and went outside.

At first he couldn't see anything, as he got closer he could barely see. It appeared that something crashed, it was halfway dug under the grass and dirt. It looked like a spaceship to be exact. The front door started to open slowly. When it finally  opened, smoke started to come out, Jimmy couldn't see who was coming outside, so he decided to take a few steps closer to have a better look. Then, a weird, black, shadowy figure was coming out. Jimmy started to take a few steps back. The figure was coming closer. The smoke started to fade away, while fading, Jimmy could barely see the figure. All of what Jimmy saw was that the figure was gloomy.

When the smoke faded, he saw a short person, in a weird-looking spacesuit. The spacesuit made him look like he was tall, but he wasn't. He looked weird. He had yellowish eyes with no hair, green, bright skin. His eyes were glowing in the dark, he was very short with a big head, short noes and small eyelashes. He kept walking up to Jimmy slowly, as Jimmy was walking back. There was no more space for Jimmy to go back further. It was a dead end. The 'thing' was right in front of Jimmy.

Then, it stopped and looked at Jimmy. "Where are we right now?" It asked with a weird voice, Jimmy replies and told him. "Where is Mars from here?" It asked. Jimmy told him that he didn't know. Jimmy knew that he was an alien, (as he asked where Mars was, and he came with a spaceship). "What's your name?" Asked Jimmy with a quiet voice.
"Galvus." Answered the Alien.

"Why did you come here?" Asked Jimmy, "And how." He added.
"My home, Mars, has been attached by other Aliens, the war is in process right now. And I barely escaped by taking a spaceship to escape, Earth was the closest planet. That's why I'm here." The Alien said.
"How do you plan of going back to Mars?" Jimmy asked.
"By trying to fix this broken ship and going back!" Galvus replied.

They both tried to take the ship inside the garage, but Galvus took care of that as he was stronger than any human. After taking it in, Jimmy gave him all the tools he had in the garage. Then, Galvus started to work. Jimmy was tired, so he went upstairs to sleep. While Galvus was fixing it all night.

Jimmy woke up, ate quickly and ran down to see what Galvus was doing. He went inside the garage, to see a fresh, brand new spaceship. It was awesome. Jimmy couldn't believe it!

When Galvus took it outside, he went it as he told Jimmy, "hop inside!" Jimmy went inside the spaceship, "where are we going?" He asked. "To Mars!" Galvus replied. Galvus gave Jimmy a spacesuit that would give him the ability to breathe in space, and not freeze. It took a few minutes for the space ship to reach Mars.

But then, halfway through the trip, there was a problem. The ship wasn't charged well, Galvus forgot to charge it fully. It began to slow down, to the point where it stopped. Neither Galvus or Jimmy knew what to do. They were stuck in space. With no idea of what to do...
To be Continued...

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