Chapter 1

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My life consisted of a comfy couch, movies, my phone, and food. I never went to parties or stayed up late, the only friends i had were over the internet. If someone said my life was boring, that was an understatement. It was more than boring, but it had become normal. How could it get better? My live had been turned upside down and it had turned into this. My past had made my future a dull and never ending nightmare.

 ~6 мonтнѕ вeғore~

My alarm clock blarred in my ears. I reached over and hit the snooze button. Sitting up in bed i thought about the dreary day ahead of me. Today was end of the year exams at school. Who didn't dread this time of year? One thing to look forward to was summer vacation. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. After turning the shower knob all the way to hot i stripped and jumped in. Hot showers were relaxing, especially before a day full of exams. I picked out some shorts and a black shirt, combed my hair and ran downstairs. Mom was making biscuits and gravy this morning, my favorite. I sat down at the island and gobbled up my breakfest. Just as i finished Cameron my older brother ran downstairs.

"Sorry I am late!" he called. He grabbed a biscuit and i followed him out to the car.

Once at school i ran to my locker and grabbed my binders for first period. The rest of the day dragged on and on. While i was waiting for Cameron by my locker i checked my phone for text messages. There was one from dad but i ignored it thinking it was just him with the daily reminder to no forget to feed the fish in his office. Cameron showed up finally, after waiting for a while. We drove home and pulled into the driveway to see that no one was home. Mom usually was waiting for us, along with something she baked that day. I walked into the house and almost fainted.................

This is my first book... :-/  sorry for any grammatical errors. i need some feedback to tell me if i should keep writing and updating or not. Comment and vote..... then i might update. :)

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