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Alexa's Pov:

We waited in a small bar called Tex's bar for a representative from the mutant underground to arrive. Waiting while caring for three mutant children was not easy. I am currently caring for my nieces - 13 year old Maddie, 11 year old Mackenzie and my three year old son Ethan. Their parents went missing along side the rest of the xmen. It's been five years and I've never given up hope that one day I'll find a way to get my sister and team mates back. The brotherhood also disappeared and I'm worried for Raven and Eric. They're like family to me.

Ethan shifts in his sleep beside me. It's late and we've been here for hours. The girls look tired from where they are seated across from me. I hope they'll stay awake long enough for the representative to arrive.

Tex comes over "They won't be much longer, I promise" he says. "Thanks, with everything going on we all need hope that help will arrive" I said. "They'll come, I know it" Tex replied. Just as he said that the door opened, the little bell signalling a new customer rang. I looked up to see who it was, hoping that it was no one dangerous. I was surprised to see my old friend John Proudstar, he was looking around for Tex. Tex was quick to spot him and headed over to him, they spoke softly and kept looking over at us. I leaned over and gently woke the girls before beginning to collect our things. We had everything packed and ready to go before Tex and John walked over. I gently picked up Ethan and settled him on my hip before turning to John and Tex.

"Sorry I took awhile to get here" he said. "It's ok, I know you had to run your checks, we should get moving". He nodded before starting to lead us out to his car, I stopped and turned to Tex. "Can I get Ethan's car seat that I stored with you earlier? I asked, he nodded before going behind the bar and passing it over. Before I could take it from him John grabbed it, "I'll take it, you have enough to carry, looking at Ethan. I nodded, "thank you for everything you've done for us Tex" I said. "You're welcome Alexa" he replied.

"We should get a move on if we want to avoid any patrols" said John, I nodded. "Let's go girls" I told them gently, by now they looked like they were about to fall asleep on their feet. John led us out to his car before opening the doors and helping the girls to climb in. He then helped to get Ethan's seat into place before letting me get him settled, carefully trying not to wake him. "Sleep well my little Elan" I said before moving closing his door and moving to get into the passenger's seat. Once settled and John had started to drive, I turned to look at the girls and their sleeping cousin, they were already fast asleep, "sleep well my darling girls and my little Elan" I said smiling at them.

"What does it mean?" He asked referring to my nickname for Ethan. I flinched, my soul mark burning, I turned my right hand over to show my words. "It means eagle" I replied. He flinched, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. He slowly turned over his right hand showing his wrist and his words. My eyes widened, I had found my soul mate! Our words were shining bronze. I placed my left hand on his right arm and focused on him. I could feel a connection opening up between us, I could hear his thoughts and he mine. I opened my eyes and looked at my soul mark, this time it was silver, signifying that we were in the second stage of the souls bonding.

There are three stages of a soul bond. The first is the meeting and words exchanged. It can't be forced and has to be natural. You can meet your soul bond and not start the connection or realise they are your soul mate for years until your words are said. I met John years ago when we were at Xavier's together but we never knew we were soul mates until now.

The second stage is opening the connection and having full trust in each other. I fully trust John with my life and this connection will help us if one of us is in danger. The second stage also allows us to know where the other one is at any time.

The third stage is commitment and consummating the bond. That can be with a kiss or well I won't go into that now but I think you know what I mean. Again this can't be forced and both soul mates must agree to be fully committed to each other and the consummation must not be forced by one soul mate if the other soul mate isn't ready.

It is possible to fall in love and have a child with someone that is not your soul mate like with Sam and I having Ethan together. Sam didn't have a soul mark and we discovered that if a mutant doesn't have a soul mark either their soul mate is already dead or they are destined to sadly die without a soul mate. Sadly this happened to Sam, he was killed during a fight to save a group of young mutants.

"Are you ok?" I heard John say pulling me from my thoughts. "I'm fine, just thinking over the whole soul bond stuff" I replied. He nodded and continued to drive. "Get some sleep, it will take a few hours to get there" he told me. I nodded and got comfortable, shutting my eyes and falling asleep.

Author's note
That's it for this chapter. Thanks for reading. I promise to get back on schedule. Things are a bit crazy right now but I now have the time to write.
White Tala out!

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