leaving the guild

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Lucy's point of veiw

It's been 3 moths since lissana has come back from the dead and I've been ignored for the same amount of time . "Hey luce, you've got a minute?"said natsu. I got a little happy that he was finally talking to but I knew he was going to end up saying some thing bad. "Yeah sure."I replied.

"Hey lucy me and the rest of team natsu except for Wendy think you should leave team natsu you know so you could do more solo missions."Suggested natsu. "Wa what why?!?!!" I screamed at natsu. "Ugh do I really have to tell you I mean it's very obvious! You always hide behind your spirits , always crying and you always scream about how we destroy things and in the the end you're the weakest member of Fairytail, now you should not weild our hounerd name . Get out of my face and rub the fairytail insignia of and never return here!!!!!!" Natsu screeched. I didn't say anything after that and went to masters office. "What is it my child, is there anything you need?"asked master. "Well actually..............I.........think.........I...want...to leave the guild."is replied with a slight crack in my voice."Very well my child may you now hold out your hand please?" Master said. I did so and my insignia was gone leaving no evidence that it was even on my hand.

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