Oddball Squad

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“BEEEEP!!!” The microwave sounded from the kitchen. “Race you there!” My best friend Seranity shouted from the couch in the living room. I hopped off my bed which was covered in papers. Well not only was my bed paper-covered, so was my floor, desk, bookshelf and even on the rare occasion... the walls (no tape required there clearly!). “You should know you can’t beat me num-num!” I yelled as I raced to the kitchen. I heard her yell, out of breath, “Oh yeah? Is that so weirdo? Well, incase ya haven’t noticed... I’M AHEAD OF YA!!” My feet slid across the blue tiled floor of the upstairs hall and I suddenly stopped running as I saw Seranity, walking in slow motion, her back facing me with her shoulder length light brown puff-ball hair tied up. As quietly as I could, I tip-toed towards Seranity. Each of my steps were bigger than the next. When I eventually reached her I hug tackled her. Well I THOUGHT I had hug tackled her but noooo. I was very wrong as per normal. “Gotcha! What you going do no- WHOAH!” I fell, face first onto the tiles. My colour changing eyes stared back at me (blue, green and light brown). I lifted me head and saw Seranity’s green eyes stair at me from the staircase. She held onto the railing and burst into laughter. “ You fell for it...AGAIN? Celeste, I have known you my whole life and you of all people forgot about that spell? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” “Oh shut it will you, can you please just help me up?” “Well what’s in it for me?” “If you don’t I’ll just talk like and crack my knuckles until you do. It is quite fun like this you know” I never said that out loud. I said that in her mind. Seranity: wizard. Me: Psychic. Simple logic is awesome. She copied a scene from Harry Potter, Seranity being Ron and me being Hermione. “Winguardium Leviousa! Hmm, strange. It’s not working for me.” “It’s because you’re saying it wrong. It’s Winguardium Leviosa, not Leviousa!” “Well if you’re so smart show me then!” “Fine then, I will.” As I was about to stand up and say the next part of my line, I got an idea to say something else. “Wait a second Ron, I would show you, but  have a problem” “And what exactly would that be Hermione?” She sounded genuinely upset. She’s falling for it! Seranity thinks I’, not going to get up at all... hehehehehe. “Well, the BIG problem is... I’m a PSYCHIC NOT A WIZZARD!” She burst out in laughter yet again. “Come here crazy.” Seranity put her wand away and held her hand out to me. I took it but she did what I was not expecting her to do. Seranity flipped me on my back and started dragging me across the stairs. “Seranity...if you start dragging me down those stairs, I. Will. Kill. You.” “Celeste, I’m not THAT insane you dum-dum. By the way, where’s my gum-gum?” “How are we related?!” “Half-sisters remember? Mental moms? Did you lose your memory when you hit your head on the ground?” “Har har har. Very funny. Now, will you PLEASE stop dragging me towards the stairs?” Seranity rolled her eyes at me. “I’m not going to DRAG you down the stairs...and you call ME crazy!” “Oh quiet.” “Just for that, I’m CARRYING you down the stairs!” “See? And you call ME crazy, acting as if I have no legs of my own...I have my own mental older sister too!” “It’s just six months you know, jeez.” “Alright then. Carry me down the stairs my slave! And I’ll talk like this for the rest of the night! Do you know how much fun this is Seranity? Huh? Seranity? Do ya?!” “Alright I’ll stop, I’ll stop” She dropped me and I made a THWAK sound. I gave her a glare for that one. “By the way, isn’t the microwave still on?” “Oh yeah!” She ran down stairs leaving me to scramble off of the floor and mumble some not so nice things about my sister.

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