Until We Meet Again

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This is just a One-Shot I wanted to create for @Kitty-misaki and the Helking army. COME GET YA'LL JUICE.

And also this will include some sensitive subjects like not-so-epic gore and endless angst later on into the one-shot, but this does have a happy ending so uh, just saying. 

ONE-SHOT WORD COUNT: 2160 (I know, I'm crazy.)

Ok fine I'll start it now. 

No P.O.V

Harley, more commonly known as his nickname, King, began his day just like any other. He was a normal human. Being a 15-year-old student that had a goal of completing school as quickly as possible and just getting things over with. He was a bit of a downer though, having no friends and being extremely introverted. This caused other students within his school to begin calling him names but that was honestly the least of his problems. 

He sighed as he appeared at school yet again. Others assumed he took a liking to school, but in all honesty he didn't. King did work very hard though, he might as well if that's the only thing he can do for around six hours. 

He spent his time reading before the bell had rung for his first class. King joined all the other students and sat down in the very back corner of the classroom. The boy had neatly prepared his stationary for when the teacher came in, which they did, not long after. Kids sat down and the lesson began.  

King took notes to help him out and listened as well as he could. He was the only one to be scribbling down long sentences of information as the teacher explained. But he dropped his pen when he felt something odd.

A wave of dizziness came over King as he held his head. It was strong, and wouldn't seem to end. Nothing special, right? He could just wait it out and proceed with the lesson. 

That wasn't the case. 

King felt his vision blurring completely. He had never experienced a feeling like that before, but it wasn't a nice one. It only got more confusing as the boy began to hear things. A distant voice. He knew it was not the sound of the teacher, it sounded different. It was for sure a sound that wasn't part of the classroom. Soon enough, the voices was clear enough to hear. 

'Can you hear me?'


'Come on, listen!'




"Harley, snap out of it and listen please." 

The boy was brought back to earth as soon as the teacher had spoken to him. His vision and hearing returned. Other students turned to face him and King was left absolutely shocked and dazed. He had so many questions: What the hell was that, who was that, and who is Harlequin?


That lesson ended not too long after and King was allowed to take a breather. He still felt slightly nauseous and so he decided to go and wash his face in the restrooms. He pushed open the door and used his hands to lean on the sink and stare into the mirror at himself. Luckily enough, the restrooms were empty and he had some privacy.

"Maybe I'm just tired.." The teenager suggested to himself. School could just be taking its toll on him.

King turned on the tap slowly, watching the water flow down into the small drain. He let some of the water fall onto his hands as he used it to splash his face. After a little while, he looks back up into the mirror. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2019 ⏰

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