Closing the Gate

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The Party ran to the Odyssey theater.

They had to stop it. Whatever was going on, they had to stop it.

After the events of last year(AKA, Season 2) the Party thought that maybe a small vacation would help them out relax a bit. So, with Nancy, Johnathan, Steve, Hopper, and Joyce in tow, they went to a small town in Colorado called Middleburg. At first, everything seemed fine. Max and El made up and became good friends, same thing with Mike and Max. And Mike and El were happy as they could ever be. However, all that came crashing down when El found out something interesting: there was a gateway somewhere in town. A gateway to what, she didn't know, but they all knew that this could be dangerous and it should be stopped. Now, the good news was that they found where it was. The bad news was that Hopper got sick, so Joyce had to stay behind to take care of him. So, it was up to the Party, Nancy, Johnathan, and Steve to close that thing.

As they ran, they noticed things flying in the air, making them realize that whatever that gate was opening, it was something not pleasant. Lucky, the got to the theater with no harm and entered the theater. El pushed the doors open with her hands and they all stopped to see something unbelievable. Right there in front of them was the gate that El saw in the void. But then, they noticed the people in front of them. They ranged from humans, to aliens, to even animals and dinosaurs. But the group shook it of.

"What the hell is that thing?!" Max asked. "No clue!" Lucas said. "Is it a gate to the Upside Down?" Will asked. "I don't think so. I think this is something much bigger." Johnathan said. El saw a trio of teenagers looking at them and they were around her age. One was a redhead boy, another was an Asian girl, and the last was a brunette portly boy. "They're looking at us." She said, pointing at the trio. "Hey! We're not here to cause trouble!" Nancy said. "Yeah. We're here to help." Mike said. "How?! The multiverse is breaking in half! What can a bunch of normal teens do?!" The portly boy asked. The Party and the others looked at each other in shock.

"Holy shit." Dustin muttered. "This takes defeating the Mind Flayer to a whole new lever." Mike said, looking at the gate. El Then stepped forward. "I'll close it." She said. "What?! Kid are you insane?" Steve asked. "We have no choice." She said. El Then looked at Mike. "I'll be okay. I promise." She said. "I know." Mike said, kissing her. "We believe in you, El!" Dustin said. "You got this!" Will said. "Kick that gate's butt!" Max said. "Show it who's boss!" Lucas said. Mike placed a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. "We're right behind you." He said with a smile. She smiled back and nodded.

El Then looked at the portal and drew out her hand. And using her telekinetic powers, she began to close it. "Um. What is she doing?!" The Asian girl asked. "No questions for now!" Steve said. "Look!" Will said, pointing to the portal. Everyone looked at it and saw that it was closing slowly. Mike noticed the stream of blood going down El's nose. "She's doing it." He said with hope and a small smile crept on his face. Everyone else in the group smiled as well.

"Just one problem: I don't think it's enough!" Lucas said. He was right, the portal was fighting back. That's when the group realized that one thing: El had to go over the limit. "Are we sure this is a good idea?" Max asked. Mike nodded. "She has to." He said. The raven haired boy then looked at the girl. "Come on, El. You need to give it your all." He said. "Yeah. Unleash the eye of the tiger!" Dustin yelled. "We believe in you!" Max yelled. The rest shouted words of encouragement.

El brought out her other hand. She gave a scream and began floating in the air. Blood began flowing out of her nose and ears. "It working!" Steve yelled. "Come on El!" Lucas said. "What the hell?!" The redhead boy asked in shock. "We'll explain later on!" Will said. The portal was closing. Closing. Closing. El focused all her energy into closing the damn thing. It was killing her, but she didn't care. She had to save her friends and family. Finally, the portal closed. El gave a soft gasp and fell to the ground.

Closing of the Gate( A Penn Zero: Part Time Hero/ Stranger Things Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now