Worries for Another Day

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For the past two weeks, you’ve helped your friend with planning her wedding, helped your sister with her kids, taking them to school and doctors appointments because your sister’s work wouldn’t give her the days off and made her come in early. You promised your elderly neighbors you’d help them move some stuff around in their apartment. Said yes to walk and dogsit for your other friend.  Not to mention all the other things you had to do around the apartment as well.

This isn’t the first time you’ve had so much on your plate. You were always the ‘Yes’ friend. Never said no, always wanted to help others, and always wanted to be there for everyone. Everyone around you always described you as a happy and helpful friend.
Currently you and your boyfriend Leon were sitting at your dining room table, he was going over the paperwork from his last case before he reported back to the chief the next day. You were looking at the details of the dresses and seating arrangements your sister sent to you to check on more time before you two go looking for her dress tomorrow.

“I’m gonna make some coffee, do you want some (Y/n)?” Leon questioned as he got up from his seat.

You looked up at him giving him a small smile. “Yeah, that sounds great right now. Thanks, babe.” Leon nodded and leaned down to give a quick peck to your lips as he made his way to the kitchen.

You sighed and went back to your work, It was weird though, everything was, you were fine but you suddenly felt like everything was closing in and everything around you felt heavy. The words on the page seemed to fade and your thoughts were filled with ‘you can't do this’, ‘your friends don't really need you, they're just dumping all their stuff on you’, ‘you’ll at this and make everything go wrong’.

Leon turned away from the coffee pot to look over at you when he heard your papers fall. Immediately rushing over to you once he saw you were curled up on the chair and shaking, gently putting a hand on your shoulder he worriedly called to you. “(Y/n)?....hey, (Y/n) baby, what’s wrong? What happened are you okay?”

You just stared at your hands that were on your knees not noticing you were crying and still shaking.
Leon gently wrapped his arms around you, carefully picking you up and taking you to the bedroom. Laying you down on the bed with him, he held you close kissing the top of your head. “Sshh it’s okay sweetheart, you’re safe, you’re fine, everything is okay, you’re okay, were both home and you’re with me. (Y/n) c’mon babe you can get through this. I’m here for you.”

You clung to his shirt as you looked up at him, tears still falling from your cheeks. “I- I’m sorry, I’m really sorry Leon.”
Leon moved some the hair that was in front of your face and wiped away some of the tears that slipped. “Hey, no you have nothing to be sorry for beautiful. You were just having an anxiety attack it’s okay, I got you alright? Your safe with me remember that babygirl?”

You nodded still feeling like you might break at any second. “I’m sorry I’m such a failure, I’m only in the way of things and I can’t even tell if my friends genuinely need more or just using me cause I’m convenient. I don't know anymore….” You hide bury your face into his chest as he rubs your back and holds you a little tighter in his arms.
“Don’t say those things (Y/n) none of that is true. Look you know you feel like this because you took care of your three siblings all your life. You were like their second mother. You never had to do that. But you did, and now you’re afraid to say no, you’re afraid to tell someone you can’t do this or that, but baby I know you can because you deserve the break. You deserve everything good that’s coming into your life.” Leon held your chin and gently lifted your head so you were looking at him. “Your sister can ask someone else to take her kids, I’ll take care of the dog, and everything around the house. Tomorrow just focus on the dress shopping for your friend's wedding okay?”

You wanted to counter everything, saying you could do everything but you didn’t want to do that to Leon so you nodded, agreeing with him.
He smiled down at you and pecked your lips. “Good, now I want you to stay in bed, I’ll go pick up the papers and turn off the coffee pot.” Leon moved carefully not to disturb you much as he got up from the bed. “Once I’m back, all you need is cuddles and a good nap.”

You looked up at him giving him a small smile, “and some kisses?”

He laughed and shook his head. “Yes, of course, anything for my sweet little angel.” He leaned down and kissed your forehead.

He had just walked out of the room when you called him back. “Leon?”

He poked his head back into the room, “Yeah? Did you want anything from the kitchen?”

You shook your head at him, “no I just, I just wanted to say, thank you. You mean the world to me and I love you so much.”

Leon’s smile shined brightly at your words. “I love you too sweetie, Just you wait till I get back in there. I’m gonna smother you with all the love and care you need.”

Your smile widened, grabbing one of the pillows to grip to your chest. You turned to your side and whispered to yourself. “I really don’t like feeling this low…..but I’m grateful for Leon. I need to finally take charge…..”

A few minutes later Leon walked back into the room with two mugs. “I thought hot chocolate would be better for the both of us instead of coffee.” He gently placed the steaming mugs down on the bedside table. Getting on the bed with you, he wrapped his arms around you taking the pillow and replacing it with his hands. “Now, are you ready to let me treat you like how you’ve always deserved?”  Leon asked as he kissed your cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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