chapter 1 how it began

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A/N real quick the males name is Lucas Yamiki and the females name is Sakira Yanrashi also italics is thoughts bold in POVs is the other person in the conversation talking if in these () me talking while chapter is not finished

Lucas POV

so I have decided to start doing therapy I heard this Dina Dukes is good I'm going to start there I finally found the place its smaller then I thought it would be odd but oh well time to try his therapy thing I wonder if it's going to go good I also wonder what she's like I walk in do the sign in so they know I'm here for my appointment and take a seat and wait

time skip about 5 minutes later

I see the women Mrs. Dina Dukes and we go to her room I wonder how this will go so your Mr. Lucas I want to ask why did u decide to try therapy you don't have any history of doing therapy before well to be honest my mother and father wanted me to do this they think somethings wrong with me and I just don't see it like them well what have they said was wrong what they have told me so far is that u get violent for strange things can you tell me what they meant by that Lucas well I once had this girlfriend in high school it was all fine till I found out that some guy had a crush on her and of course I was a bit worried that he might try to make a move so I fallowed him to the roof and I watched her head up there also after she saw the letter he left in her locker and that made me even more worried and curious so I fallowed her up there found a good place to hide and hear the conversation and I heard him tell her he liked her and I saw her freeze she looked at him and said she had a boyfriend and of course I was happy she said that and after she said that she looked at him and said he seems nice but she cant because she's in a relationship and left him alone and I saw how sad he looked but I wanted pay back for him even trying to take her from me so I cam up with an idea and about a day later I kidnapped him and took him to my parents house and at the time they where gone there was only me and the servants and I dragged him unconscious body to the basement and woke him up and told him that I was her boyfriend and I heard everything and I said I was going to punish him and I knew my parents would be gone on business for about a month so I spent a week torturing him till he begged me to kill him I don't know why but I enjoyed doing this anyway I eventually killed him and got rid of the evidence but one of the servants snitched on me and my parents found out of course they only cared if I did a good job getting rid of evidence so that it wouldn't ruin there perfect reputation and left it be but I guess they really never did since I'm here now talking to you about this but I get that possessive with any girl I date and that caused them all to leave me in the end but they never told anyone about what I did to guys who tried the same thing with each of them none of them could love me for who I am and when I say they left me I mean as left as in I killed them after torture to in all honesty I just want to meet a girl that can accept me for who I truly am so Mrs. Dina think you can fix someone like me I can be someone you can talk to about these things but if you can kill and enjoy it then I think what you need is exactly that someone that can accept you and I think I know who there's another person I see for these therapy meetings I think she is just as broken as you but in a different way her name is Sakira I believe you two can help each other but this ends are time today get home safely

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