Last Week Of School!

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^^Zayn's Wolf^^

^^Harry's Wolf^^Zayn's P

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^^Harry's Wolf^^
Zayn's P.O.V

I woke up feeling drained. I was tired and didn't want to go to school. Why do we even still have school? It's the last week! I mean COME ON!? We aren't even learning anything in class anymore. Ok I want to get good grades in College, but my brain does still need a break.

I get out of bed feeling as though I've had no sleep. To be honest, I have been struggling with sleep lately. I keep on thinking about a wolf with green eyes. I see it and then when I reach out to touch it, it disappears. It's so weird. At first I only saw green eyes. Then I started seeing more of the wolf. So far I have only seen the face of the wolf. But this time, it looked as though the wolf was calling out to me. But I couldn't figure out what it was saying.

Anyway, I need to get to school. I maybe the next Alpha, but it doesn't mean that I'm treated like royalty. I hate it when people in my school only want to be my friend for popularity, status and power. Just because I'm the next Alpha. I mean, I only see myself as a normal teenager. I am not so different to everyone else in my school.

I do my morning routine and go downstairs. I see my mum cooking breakfast. "Hi mum, how are you this morning. You seem happier than usual. What's the catch?" I ask her glad that my mums happy.

"Oh Zayn, I'm happy because you're graduating soon. And I'm so proud of you. Watching you grow all these years knowing this time would come and I would be the proudest mother ever." She says with happy tears in her eyes. I hug her because she really is the best mum ever. She has always supported me, no matter what. I pull away and smile at her.

"Thanks mum. Your the best." We smile at each other. We hear a voice that interrupts our 'Son and Mother' moment. I look up and see my sisters standing on top of the stairs giggling.

"ZAYNIE!!" They scream. I wince a little. They may be small, but do they have lungs. I roll my eyes. And open my arms for them to run into. They run down the stairs and jump on me at the same time making us all fall on the floor. We start rolling around on the floor playing. "Safaa, Whaylia get off Zayn! He needs to go to school!" I hear my mum shout. I push them off me while they whine how mum is no fun and other childish complaints. I chuckle. I brush the dust from the floor off my clothes. I say goodbye to my sisters. My mum gives me a slice of toast with Nutella on it. I grab it and shove it in my mouth while I get my bag and throw it on my shoulder. I put on my shoes while I finish my slice of toast and leave my house.

I see Niall and Louis. I smile at them and walk over to them. "Hey mate. How are you?" Louis says as he brings me in for a 'man hug'.

"I'm doing good. What 'bout you guys?" I ask them as I 'man hug' Niall.

"We're doing fine. Just tired. THIS IS THE LAST WEEK!! FINALLY!!" Lou and I laugh at Niall 'outburst'.

"Yes Niall. It's the last week. You guys know what that means right?" I ask smirking at them.

"YAS!! IT'S PARTY TIME BITCHES!!!" Lou screams. This time Niall and I laugh.

We enter the school and see Perrie. I roll my eyes. I'm pretty sure everyone knows that she has a thing for me. Don't get me wrong. She is a nice person but, she follows me around like a lost puppy. Can't she see that I'm not really into her. I mean everyone else seems to know that I'm not really straight. Why can't she?

"Hey Zayn. Did you hear about the party this Friday? Apparently everyone's going. But-" I cut her off knowing what she was about to say.

"Yes Perrie, I will be going to the party. And of course Lou and Ni will be joining me." I say looking her dead in the eyes. She pouts and walks away kind of flustered.

"Bruh... did you see her face!!" Louis and Niall were on the floor laughing with tears streaming down their faces. I burst out laughing to.

We calmed down and rushed to class still laughing a little.

We entered the classroom. I saw that FUCKING CHRIS BROWN IS IN MY CLASSROOM!! WHAT THE FUCK OH MY GOD! I am such a fan of him. I walked in trying to keep in my inner fan-girl from exploding.

"Hello, well come on. Sit down in your seats" He said looking at Lou, Niall and me. The three of us sat down. All of us wide eye that Chris Brown is in the same room as us.

"Now, you are all probably wondering why I am here right? Well no one knows this, but I went to this school a couple of years back before I became famous. And, when I was your age, Michael Jackson was in this very classroom." The whole class gasped in shock and excitement. "I know, I know. Trust me" he laughed slightly making the girls swoon like crazy," When I saw Michael Jackson in my class I legit fainted on the spot." The class burst out laughing. He continued ," I KNOW RIGHT!? I was so embarrassed. But he actually came to see me in person in the Medical Room. Except for that time I didn't faint." The class giggled lightly " I mean he really is the reason why I am even here so big doing what I love. He heard me sing and said that I should do a music career." The whole class shouting out questions. The rest of the lesson was him answering questions.

~Skip to Lunch~

"I still can't believe that fucking Chris Brown is in this building right now" I heard Lou say.

"I know right!! But hey still can't wait for that party on Friday."

Lou was about to speak but was interrupted by someone shouting "PARTY THIS FRIDAY AT ED'S HOUSE!EVERYONE'S INVITED! BRING BOOZE, IT'S CASUAL CLOTHING! STARTS AT 8 AND DOESN'T END UNLESS THE POLICE COME!" Everyone laughed and continued with what they were doing.

"Okay. So now I am definitely going. Ed holds the biggest and best parties-" I interrupted Lou.

"And there is definitely going to be weed there!"

"Yeah duh. It's Ed Sheeran we are talking about here!" Niall comments.

We burst out laughing.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed my first chapter. This is my first Zarry story.

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zarryistheone x

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