One Track Mind

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"I'm so pathetic. I drove all the way here and he's not even home and my plan is to...what, exactly? Wait here on his steps?"

I was texting frantically, hoping my best friend would talk me out of this crazy idea.

But she didn't write back. And I decided I'd come all this way so I had to get what I came for, even if I sat here all night like a psychotic stalker.

I knew my prize would be worth the wait...and the humiliation when I told him he was right. I really couldn't resist him.


Several months earlier, I was assigned to cover a press junket with the cast of his latest movie. He wasn't the most popular actor in Hollywood, but he always got people talking. Jared Leto was always good for an interesting quote or two, and everyone in our newsroom knew his reputation as kinda crazy/very gorgeous.

As I waited in a vast hotel lobby set up as a makeshift interview set with my cameraman, a pit formed in my stomach. I always got nervous before any interview no matter how many years I'd been doing this.

Then Jared walked in. His hair was damp as if he'd just showered. And even though he was dressed in just a t-shirt and track pants, his commanding, business-like energy immediately took control of the room. He was in a hurry. Or he didn't like interviews. I wasn't sure yet.

"Heeeeeeey, good to see you," he said, acting like we'd met before and giving me a smile. He got a bit too close and sized me up, glancing quickly up and down my body before I could speak. His blue eyes were so intense it was difficult for me to maintain eye contact.

Very gorgeous. And he might make me kinda crazy.

"Hi I'm..." I cleared my throat. "I'm Sabrina."

The other two co-stars arrived before things got too awkward. They were two more unknown actresses and I decided to focus most of my attention on them as a necessary distraction. I started chatting them up while glancing through my notes. All of the more thought-provoking questions I'd prepared for Jared seemed wholly inappropriate now that I'd actually looked into his eyes.

But I knew I had to ask something that would get me that good quote.

"Jared, were you hesitant to take on this part playing a real person considering how much controversy your method acting approach has created in the past, like sending rats to your costars as the Joker..."

He cut me off before I could finish the question.

"No, because look...I don't really want to go into here because I want to focus on this film but...all of that stuff about 'method acting' is really just a misconception."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that...I'm just very misunderstood," he said quickly. "But..." He was struggling to remember my name. "...Sabrina...I'd really like a chance to clear that whole issue up in another discussion. I really would."

"You would?"

"It's something I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and yeah, I feel like I should clear the air about some of the criticisms around how I choose to work," he said. "Just get with my assistant after this, ok?"


"You know he just wants to fuck you, right?" Abby said, tossing her phone down on the kitchen counter in front of me. "Look at all the stories I found about him hitting on chicks all over town."

I laughed.

"Yeah, and they were all models, not reporters," I said.

"That doesn't matter! Did you think he was hot?" she asked, her eyes widening to make a point.

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