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Hi guys! this is an SYOC for a mythical wolf story about a lone wolf. I NEED SYOC's im having 3 girls and 3 boys. None can have their secret power like Kaliik my wolf which is getting blessed by the gods and water (she has wings because of Zues), i want an equal portion of the elements so im keeping water except for one boy so beware if you do water you might not get the roll! Please fill out the form it will be on the next chappie! bai and hope u like!

Rain lashed the ground like daggers piercing skin. Kaliik ran or all worth, to get back to a territory, pack, to get back to safety. The gathering, Kaliik thought, its still on! She stopped and turned right, the meeting place was safe surrounded in willow trees and a magic spell. A lightning bolt stuck where she was before and Kaliik yelped. It was going to be tough getting there. She hadn’t used her wings previously but now she felt the need and took off in search of the gathering.

I collapsed on the ground of the gathering, made it, just. I was a lone wolf but I was going to take the test no matter what they thought. I got up to get some fresh kill and sat down in an empty area. Once I had finished the dove I settled down to rest and sleep.

“Mum, Dad? Why are you leaving! Wait for me!”

“No, you are no pup of mine anymore”

“Toklo? Lusa?”

They shook their heads

Kaliik turned around and run tears steaming down her face.

“H-how could you!’

I woke up stressed form my dream. “Its just a dream,” I panted “Just a dream.”

Its just a dream, just a dream” A voice came from beside me.

I to my left and saw a wolf standing there, with a sneer on his face. He was completrely yellow, plain, I on the other paw was white with purple markings under my eyes on the tips of my tail and on my paws and my wings were purple and white marked feathers with one gold feather on each wing. There was also some words on my foreleg but I never really bother about them.

I stood up immediately “ What do you want” I growled

He stood there with his ugly smirk on, “oh its just that you look like you had to fend for yourself, and your so scrawny” He said

My purple eyes flashed “Who are you calling scrawny?” I said opening my wings, I wasn’t scrawny I was the normal size for a wolf, he was overweight. ”I call you scrawny coz I want to ok?” he challenged

“Fine then I get to call you fat” I shot back

He opened his mouth to say something but just then an alpha spoke. “Everyone get into three lines and we will explain the procedure.”

Everyone was pushing and shoving to get to the front so I just slipped into the front of a line. “Ok everyone your aim is to find an object, bring it back and so on, sniff the object and go through the bushes, then bring it back and you will be tested.” Another alpha spoke. “3,2,1, GO”

I raced up to the object, sniffing it. I smiled to myself, this was going to be easy. I sniffed my object, it was a piece of twoleg litter. Racing through the bushes I spotted it and was heading straight to it when someone jumped out infront of me. I slided under his legs raking his belly as I did so. Then I got the piece and ducked and raced back. I put my piece of twoleg litter next to its twin and looked at the alphas panting. “You were out fist therefore getting tested first. Come with us”

“Here we will close our eyes and you need to make a difference, maybe hiding or moving something but you have to do something” the alpha instructed

I looked around and knew what to do. I shot a cloud out to the ther side and concerntrated. When I opened my eyes I was at the other side of the clearing. “Very well done young wolf, tell me, whats your name?” An alpha asked.

“M-my names Kaliik.” I told them nervously

“Very well now follow me.” An alpha said

I followed the alpha into another clearing where she told me to wait.

About 5 minutes later the other wolves and the Alphas came in. They had a little chat for another 5 minutes then they lined up and adressed us, “Kallik we have decided what pack your going to be in, you will be in cloud pack, aka my pack!” She said delighted “Come with me and I will show you our mini place we like to stay sometimes!” She said running away with me on her tail. “Our clan is in the clouds so me pefer to have wolves that can fly or control winds or both.” She told me “Oh and if you didn’t know my name is Wind.”

“Ok” I replied

“And here we are” she said stepping into a clearing, “make yourself at home”

“I will” I promised

Wolves started to fill the clearing in. i looked around. these are my new packmates, i thought

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