Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Eve Morden

It was a warm night, early June, the sun had just set and the air smelled like summer.

Karlie fixed her hair in the rearview mirror of her car, sighing quietly to herself when it wouldn't sit quite right.

She hadn't particularly wanted to come to this party, she didn't even know who's party it was, but she'd promised her best friend Olive that she would.

Even sitting in her car she could hear music blaring from the nearest house, turned up so loud she could even recognize the song.

She sighed once more before getting out of the car and heading towards the front door.

Before Karlie could reach it though, it was flung open by a scantily clad brunette, clutching her hand to her mouth.

"Ugh. I hate college parties." Karlie muttered, as she entered house, which was filled with people, most of whom were dancing, drinking, or both.

"Karlie!" a voice shouted over the loud music, "Over here!"

Karlie searched room, looking for the source of the voice. Finally she spotted her best friend, leaning casually against the entrance way to what looked like the kitchen.

"What are you wearing?" was the first thing Olive said when Karlie reached her.

She looked down at herself, long legs, covered by super skinny jeans, sandles and a cream coloured tank top.

"What?" she asked.

"You're supposed to dress up, it's a party!" she sighed.

Unlike Karlie, Olive loved to go to parties, mostly just to lead guys on, she was wearing sky high black wedges and a skintight maroon dress that didn't even make it to the middle of her thighs.

"Whatever. You know I didn't even want to come."

"Trust me, you'll be glad you came. Maybe you'll even meet someone." replied Olive, winking at her best friend before prancing off with some guy, who almost definitely wouldn't get her number.

Karlie sighed, so much for keeping Olive company. She stepped into the kitchen and poured herself a plastic cup of whatever was in the punch bowl on the bench.

She leaned against the wall and watched people dancing to some shitty pop song, she didn't recognize anyone.

Karlie and Olive had both graduated the year before, but despite that Olive continued to drag her friend out to college parties whenever she felt the urge to break someone's heart.

Karlie now worked at a designer clothing store that was owned by an old friend of her mother's.

Something sparkled in the corner of Karlie's eye. She looked up from swirling her drink around in its cup, trying to find whatever had caught her attention.

Across the room, leaning against the opposite wall to Karlie, was a tall girl with shoulder length blonde hair.

She was wearing a gold sequined crop top and matching skirt. Despite the fact that she was appropriately dressed for a party, she looked equally as bored as Karlie.

She didn't realise she was staring until the girl turned in Karlie's direction, catching her eye.

She was about to turn away, to avoid any awkwardness, when the blonde girl winked at her.

Karlie turned away in surprise, she didn't think the girl seemed like the kind of person who would be into other girls. But then again, neither did Karlie.

Before she could stop herself she turned to look at the girl again, only to see that she had disappeared. Karlie began searching the room for the tall blonde, feeling almost disappointed that the girl had left.

She felt someone tap her shoulder and turned around to find the girl smirking cheekily at her.

"Looking for someone?" she asked, still smirking, "I'm Taylor"

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