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My life was great, I had loving parents, crazy friends. Everything I could ever ask for. Then the world gave me a reminder, I should've appreciated what I had while I could. Because in the blink of an eye it all fell apart.

"Hey have you heard about those Ajin things?" Shin scribbled away drawing inbetween the margins of his notebook, whilst eavesdropping on other people's conversations. "Yeah, I heard if you capture one there's a huge reward!"

This peaked his interest, people were willing to sacrifice someone for money? What if they were a friend? Would they still do it regardless?

"They're immortal from what I've heard, must be awesome! Living the high life under government care y'know," He never trusted the government, the videos online showing Ajins being killed over and over again gave even more reasons to do so. It wasn't right, they aren't human sure, but it's just wrong. Animals are treated better than this, people fight for animal's rights so why not Ajin's?

"Class dismissed, don't forget about the test next week!" Students flooded the corridors, Shin weaved his way through the crowds to the gates with his bag. "Hey Shin! Wanna go to the arcade?" Shin looked at his friend's sparkling eyes and sighed. "Fine... but you have to buy me food, it better be good too," Food was his one weakness, bribe him with it and he'll do you a favour, as long as its's reasonable and worth his time.

His friend was too distracted, goofing off on his phone to notice the red light and kept walking, as a truck was approaching. "Usotsuki!" Shin rushed forward and pushed him out of the way. Then it was over, blood coating the road, pooling under the truck. "Sh-Shin?!" It hurt, everything hurt, he should've died. But he didn't. He slowly crawled out from under the truck, he was fine.

He was covered in his own blood but he was fine, his injuries? Gone. "Holy shit! He's an Ajin! If we capture him we'll be rich for sure!" People started arguing over who would take him. "Hey Shin I'm your friend don't worry I won't hurt you! You did save me after all!" He was smiling but it wasn't his usual friendly, caring smile. This one sent chills down his spine, how could they all be so heartless?

Shin was right, even if they're your friend, they'd turn on you if the price was high enough. That was the cold hard truth.

"STOP IT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, just like that everyone in my vicinity was frozen, still as a statue as if time had stopped. I stumbled, almost tripping over my own feet, trying to get up. Once I did I ran like never before, it was exhausting, huffing and puffing the whole time. "Shin come back, I won't hurt you! I promise!" Liar, they're all liars!

They just wanted the money, I'm a monster in everyone's eyes. I've got nowhere to go, nobody to turn to, if Mother knew she'd turn me in without a second thought. She loves me sure but she loves money even more. I don't really have any close friends, if I did it wouldn't make a difference.

I'm not a very athletic person but I can run short distances really fast. I passed by a forest, deciding that hiding in there was a decent idea. "I'll be fine after all who comes out to the forest these days? We're all on our phones or some sort of device," I whisper quietly, an attempt to reassure myself.

I was hiding, quiet as mouse and terrified out of my mind, thoughts came flooding through my head at a million miles per hour. I don't want to go to a lab, I should've left him to die, I thought he was my friend. If I did this never would've happened, I would've been fine.

If you can't do anything to help them, don't bother. If it risks your health don't bother. I should've stuck to that rule, I lived by it. So why did I move? I left my bag at the crash so I had nothing left to entertain myself with.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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