Part 1: "Sequences Once Lived"

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*Warning, this selection contains graphic violence and gore content.  If you dislike these topics or have a weak stomach please do not read this story.  The first section connects the entire story together and there will be gore and graphic horror/violence throughout the entire story.*

As I awoke, I felt nothing but the cold, hard ground beneath me and the steel shackles binding my ankles. Beads of cold sweat dripped off of my body as I frantically began to panic and ponder where I was. My body quickly grew hot and I lost my breath, my head began spinning and I lost myself again to the unknowing horror which overtook me.


When I awoke again I saw the light surrounding me, but it was shrouded by a curtain. No, I was the one behind the curtain, as if the world was trying to hide a secret. But what had I done to be considered such a secret? Right then, my attention was drawn to the cool platform underneath me. I was strapped down to it by metal cuffs, binding my neck, wrists, and ankles. I was also naked, apparently. Who would've done such a thing to someone as... ordinary as me? Then I noticed something odd.

I was moving. No... not me, the thing beneath me. It was rolling.

I saw them everywhere. Shadows dancing, like the art of trapeze. Through the covering, I could see the remnants of what seemed to be shades of humanity. Human-like shapes. With... what was that? A mask or... covering over their faces, I'm not quite sure what it was, but their faces were oddly shaped. As if they had been contorted by demons or something of the like.

I decided not to move. Of course, I had no idea of what was happening, but maybe if I pretended to still be asleep, I would hear something that would tell me something about this place. But there was something else strange about this ordeal.

I couldn't hear anything. And if nothing was to be heard, wouldn't I hear the wheels of whatever I was on moving? Why was there no sound? Not even that damned ringing you hear when it gets too silent! What was happening to me?

I began to panic again. Frantically ripping at the metal shackles that held me in place with all the strength I could gather in my being. The shadows began thrashing wildly, as my body again grew hot. I could feel the cool air ripping my lungs apart as I gasped for more, all the while, still violently attacking the binding along my extremities. They did not loosen.

And then, once again, unconsciousness won the fight for my life. Causing me to descend into a deep, thick blackness which engulfed my being like a pool of sludge, forcing me to drown in its filth and hatred.

Suddenly, a blindingly pure whiteness infected my eyes. At least I thought it was pure, but as I look around, I notice that I would rather the darkness envelop me than suffer to this fate. I take quick glances around, still waiting for my eyes to fully adjust, but what I can see causes me to once again panic. But this time, sleep did not follow, though I wish it had.

Upon awakening... I am bound to a chair, in front of a wide audience, and a camera. What was this? Some kind of sick game to scare people?

There were also two people in front of me, both wearing masks. One looked as if he were hosting a game show or selling something expensive; the other looked as if she had just come from a fancy dinner whilst meeting her boyfriend's parents. Both were in full white. The man was in a suit, holding a microphone in his hand, wearing a white mask with a wide red smile across the front. The woman was in a sequined white and silver dress with an ivory animal fur draped over her shoulders. She was wearing a white mask with grey pearls covering the perimeter of the mask. There was a large red X across the face of the mask and two small black eye holes.

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