what kind of sick joke is this?

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I blinked away the sleep from my heavy eyes, letting them adjust to the small amount of light given off by an old lightbulb that hung from the ceiling. To my left my eyes caught a glimpse of something shiny. I squinted, hoping to identify the objects. Within seconds I felt my heart rate increase and the colour draining from my face. Saws, chains, knives, nail guns, tools of mass proportion laid out on a rusty counter covered in what I hoped was not blood.
Once I restored my breathing, I began to notice something I had not before. There were others. 4 to be exact.

A tall blonde with green eyes that leaked with tears, ruining her mascara. She wore a red jumpsuit, red heels and a barely noticeable silver bracelet clinging to her right wrist.

To her right a short brunette about my size with blue eyes similar to my own, wearing a black pullover hoodie, blue jeggins, and converse.

A stocky, tall man with black hair, stubble on his chin and brown eyes. A frown set on his face which gave his face an overcast look. He wore a tight fit navy shirt, black jeans and black puma shoes.

Finally, a tall guy hunched in a corner wearing all black. He had a pale face and sunken deep brown eyes looking but not seeing, seemingly unable to focus. His blonde hair looked slimy and wet under the very little light.
His mouth was obscured by his hands. Upon further speculation it seemed he was licking his raw, stubby fingers sending chills down my spine.

I looked away unnerved by the character in the corner.

Suddenly, the guy with the broad shoulders spoke up with a sturdy deep voice "Speak up if you know why we are here"
As if answering his words the Tv on the right hand concrete wall turned on with a flash, causing the creepy guy to hiss in a serpent like manner staring at the screen with bloodshot eyes.

Suddenly on the screen appeared, a white wooden face with red cheeks long, black hair and a suit. He looked like a michael jackson impersonator puppet! His mouth moved mechanically as he spoke the words "Do you wanna play a game?"
Just those words alone made me falter for a second as it finally sunk in. We were all kidnapped and trapped in a mindless prison by some kind of physco who put his weapons on show and a tv for his disturbing entertainment. What kind of sick joke is this?

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