Chapter 1 ~ Headphones and Reports

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Hey guys!

So this is the first chapter of my fanfic, I don't know if it'll be a bromance or a romance yet, let me know what you think! Also, I want to thank my friend BeccaGray0307 for creating the story name, check out her stories because they're awesome!


The room is filled with laughter and babble, people around me throwing things at each other or gossiping. The boys laugh stupidly, at some dumb joke one of them has told, probably at the expense of another.

I sit at the back, an empty seat next to me, no one wanted to sit with me and Chris and PJ are in a different form class, so I don't even have them.

I look around me, watching people laugh together, all with a best friend. I sigh. I return to doodling on my arm and turn up the volume of my music before deliberately avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Ok, if everyone could face the front!"

My form teacher, Mr Mount, stands at the front next to a boy I have never seen before; he has floppy brunette hair, chocolate eyes and pale skin, dressed in his school uniform, but with a hoodie on top, it's sort of low slung so I can see his messy tie. He stands with one headphone in and one out.

"This is Daniel Howell," announces Mr Mount, Daniel shuffles uncomfortably. "Daniel has recently moved here from - where, exactly?"

Daniel shrugs, "somewhere not far from here."

Mr Mount attempts a smile and breezes over this short response, "yes, well, is there anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?"

Daniel shakes his head, "no."

"OK," Mr Mount smiles again, "I think there's one seat left, right over there-" he points at my desk, "next to Phillip."

A ripple of laughter washes over the classroom, people turn and smirk at me, some even whisper to Daniel,

"Have fu-un."

Daniel just traipses to the back, drops his bag on the floor and sits next to me without a single word. Mr Mount gives a few announcement about things like the upcoming football match, or something to do with rugby practise being cancelled, but I have no interest in any of those things so I don't listen. The friendly babble settles over the classroom once more and our teacher checks his Emails.

"It's Dan, by the way," says Daniel, "not Daniel." He doesn't look at me, he stares at his arms.

"OK, Dan, and it's Phil- not Phillip." I reply with a small smile.

"OK, Phil."

I am in the midst of getting shunted along the corridor when I see Dan standing by himself, looking down at a sheet of paper and craning his neck around. I break free of the crowd and nervously make my way over to him.

"You OK?" I ask him, when I reach where he is standing.

Dan grins slightly, a laugh forming at his lips, "I'm sort of lost, just a tiny bit."

I laugh, "what lesson have you got? I can take you there."

Dan smiles at his feet, like my offer has overwhelmed him. "Thanks, Phil, I have English with Miss Lancaster."

"Me too," I say, I motion with my head, to the left. "Let's go, I'll show you where we are."

English is on the middle floor and our form class is on the bottom floor, so we have to go up two flights of stairs, which we travel in an awkward silence. I want to say something, I want to ask him some questions about himself, but what do I say?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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