Chapter 1

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It was a new year a new start, high school.
Where everyone makes the most mistakes in life. Luna was so nervous for her first day, but of course every kid probably was as well.
Luna's POV
*beep beep beep*
Luna: "Ugh shut up dumb alarm!"
"Wakey Wakey !!!"
I turned over to see my brother screaming from my door way.
Luna: " Really Jacob it's not exciting ya know!"
Jacob: "For you of course, now get up you slept in too long"
Of course my brothers got to be a pain today.
I got dressed into some Adidas sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt and put my hair up in a ponytail. Then I left off to high school...

Oh my gosh I hope I didn't forget something at home

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Oh my gosh I hope I didn't forget something at home. As I looked up I saw my brother Jacob bro hug some guy which seemed very familiar to me. He had brown parted hair and a buttoned up shirt. I wasn't going to say anything.
Luna: "So your gonna stick with me right Jacob?"
"I don't want to be lost by myself now"
Jacob: "Yeah if we have the same classes"
Jacob is my twin brother he's very annoying and not so wise sometimes, he's also a jock so I don't get to see him most of the time cause he's either hanging out with his friends or at a game. He has blonde curly hair and as most people call him a girls dream boyfriend. Yuck to me of course that's my brother.
"Hey what's up"
I turn and see that same guy that bro hugged my brother standing in front of me.
Jacob:"Oh this is my sister Luna"
Random boy:"Hey Luna I'm Kevin"
Luna:"Hey nice to meet you Kevin"
I had no idea how my brother knew him but i didn't care much at the time I was so focused on school and nervous about getting to my classes.
Kevin:"Cool, Hey I gotta catch you later Jacob"
Jacob:"Nice see ya later dude"
I mean I wasn't gonna lie the boy did seem a little cute but I wasn't gonna do anything that's my brothers friend and you never know what that might turn into.
Jacob:"Looks like there's a whole crowd surrounding him"
When I heard what my brother said I was so confused until I turned around and saw for myself. There was a huge crowd of girls and some guys I think asking for autographs.
{{Later on}}
Finally lunch time, high school was already exhausting enough and not to mention I didn't make any friends yet. I slam my locker shut holding my lunch bag in my hand, the hallways were now cleared thank god. The lunch room seemed pretty crowded so I walked to eat in the library instead. As I was walking I felt someone tap my shoulder. I immediately jumped a little.
Kevin: "it's just me don't worry" *laughs*
Luna:"Sorry you startled me a little"
When I saw him up close for some reason his eyes were a sparkling brown.
Luna:"it's fine" *laughs*
For some reason I got super nervous...
Kevin: "You seem lonely and I'm trying to hide out for now"
I wasn't sure what he mean't by that
Luna:"what do you mean?"
Kevin:"if you didn't know I have a bit of fame from Tik Tok"
I laughed a little
Luna:"Sorry it's just a little unusual to hear that"
Kevin: *laughs* "I know it's a little silly how people like their entertainment nowadays"
Luna:"Well I was gonna eat in the library, you could come if you want I have no friends yet so it's fine"
Kevin:"Sounds good to me"
As we were walking to the library I started to get a weird vibe I don't why I just was. Like as if I knew him before or saw him somewhere besides Tik Tok like in person somewhere.
When we got to the library and sat down and started eating I saw two blondes in the corner giving me the dirtiest look ever.
When I turned around I caught Kevin staring at me and he quickly turned around as soon as I saw him. For some reason I started to blush cause it was just unexpected to see.
When we were eating we had a long conversation about our life's and basically just introducing ourselves for a bit.
{{On Lunas walk home}}
"So I see you have a crush on my best friend or something now huh?"
Luna:"Real funny Jacob" *rolls eyes*
Jacob: "Haha you do don't you" *starts pocking Luna in a playful annoying way*
Luna:" Would you quit it, that football might of got to your head when it hit ya"
Jacob:"Hey that was an unfair game!"
Jacob:" seriously"
{{When they arrived at home}}
Ugh I'm so tired I just want to sleep, I took off my shoes and threw my backpack on the ground. Then I flopper on my bed and took a nap.
{{Later on in the afternoon}}
All the sudden I heard a knock on the door
"I'll get it!!!!!!"Jacob screams from the hallway
Dang already my brother has friends coming over and I didn't even talk to not one person except Kevin which was because of my brother.
When I look to see who it was I saw Kevin
Luna:"Omg what is he doing here?!" *mumbles*
"Omg I've gotta hide in my room"
Kevin:"Oh hey"
Luna's thoughts *you got to be kidding me?!*
Omg who is that?
There was some other strange boy standing next to Kevin in the door way when I turned around. How in the world does my brother have 2 friends already coming over on the first day of high school we don't even know.
Luna: "Heyyyy" *Awkwardly blushing*
The boy standing by Kevin was just standing there he dressed kind of emo and he had faded pink hair and parted down the middle like Kevin.
*Kevin walks up to Luna*
Luna: "Hey Kevin"
Kevin: "Sooo umm" *Kevin smiles*
I'm pretty sure he caught me blushing so I got nervous and told him i was going to my room to do my homework just to get away. Then Jacob walked up to me and introduced me to the kid with pink parted hair and a slight smile on his face. He wasn't as weird or awkward as Kevin not to be rude just Kevin was acting strange today.
Random boy:"Hey I'm Noen"

 Luna:"Hey"Random boy:"Hey I'm Noen"

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Luna:"Hey Noen, I'm Luna".....

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