The Return of the King.

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King sombra paced back and forth in his new castle he build from the old sisters castle deep in the Everfree Forset.

" I have everything, Everything but yet I'm missing something but what?!"

King sombra walked over to a window and stared out toward ponyvill. He began to think, he began to get lost in his mind. Flashbacks played in his mind from when he was a colt and he played with silverstream the only pony who accepted him for who he was. Slowly king Sombra began to fall asleep.

Back in ponyvill Twilight and her friend where all at the lake watching RainbowDash practice her new moves for her next wonderbolt show. Raity was looking around curiously.

" Does anyone know where Fluttershy is?" Raity said

" I'm not sure " Twilight said poking her nose out her new book

"She's probably just taking care of them animal friends of hers" Applejack said.

RainbowDash flew down and stretched her wings.
" Can I be honest with you girls?"

They all looked over at Rainbowdash.

RainbowDash took a deep breath and looked at her pals
" I have a thing for fluttershy!" She then covered her face from her blush. The girls circled her and put there hoves on her shoulder and they all told her it is okay and that they all love her for who she is.

Over at Fluttershy's cottage, fluttershy was chasing Angle bunny.

" Get back hear Angle please there vitamins are good for you".

Angle stuck his tongue out and jumped out the window and began to run towards the Everfree forest. Fluttershy ran out and seen Angle running away. Fluttershy gasped and ran after her beloved pet.

"Angle please come back the Everfree forest is not a place for sweet bunnies".

Fluttershy stopped and looked around trying to find Angle but he was no where in sight.

"A-Angle please where are you?"

Fluttershy started to walk deeper in the woods as she tucked her wings tightly trying to to shake in fear. She soon stumbled upon the old sisters castle and a small smile appeared on her face.

" M-Maybe he went inside".

Fluttershy slowly walked up to the big door she slowly opened it and walked in. Then the door slammed behind her. Fluttershy screamed as she ran into the castle. She wasn't paying attention  when she tripped over king Sombra. She clipped king sombra's leg and fell over.

" Ouch"
King sombra woke up and looked around

" oh dear I'm sorry sir I didn't meant to hurt you" Fluttershy said with out standing up.

She was still frighten and her hair covered her eyes. King sombra used his magic to lift her up.

" You You are one of the ponies that defeated me!"
He began to yell and shake her.
Once fluttershy seen who it was she began to cry.

'' Please please don't hurt me!"

King sombra  looked into Fluttershy's eyes and then walked up to her.

"Where are the others?"

" I'm the only one hear"

King sombra got angry and build a prison out of crystals and place her inside.

" Don't try to escape it will zap you "

Fluttershy coverd her face and began to cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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