Sieg Heil [1]

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Author's Note: Do take note that this story is purely fictional and is set in the era of Hitler's rule, and it isnt meant to be historically accurate.But though, If there are any circumstances whereby some of these phrases or lines from the story is historically accurate, it is purely coincidential.


A brown colored worn and torn journal with many scribbles of the nazi sign and images of hitler was found in an old drawer in a secluded German building, probably a housing estate. Many words written on the cover was too messy to read. 



The name's Mel dan Schuctzeig. That's me. Standing in the middle of thousands of Germans, not seperated by the minority or majority. Also known as what they call the pure Aryan race. Within these years have I not realised that Hitler was the one responsible for everything -- the violence and paranoia that was everywhere. It all shrouded us, the Germans -- as a dark cloud. If i did have the chance to reflect, I would. I'm sure many other Germans would have agreed too.

But what could we do? Nothing. Even if we had the chance to go against the Nazis, sooner or later, we would be thrown into those damned concentration camps. Trust me, the stories I have heard of those nasty ratholes are horrifying.

Oh and of course, if i did die, let this journal become a memento of my experiences in Nazi rule. Those whom are able to get their hands on this, are lucky enough that i have recorded many life events that shook Germany and the world -- up to my last breath. It is my only final warning to the future generations of this incoherent bastard which spread lies and deciept amongst us.. And also for me to tell future generations my side of the story behind these layers and layers of lies.


3rd April 1923

I am a German. (Ich bin ein Deutsch.) 

I was a free person. (Ich war ein freier Mensch.) 

I hated the violence around me. I want it to stop now. (Ich hasste die Gewalt um mich herum. Ich will, dass es aufhört.)

Running. Running away. Constantly. What is going on? The bloodshed made by the patriots againts the Spartcists against some Communist cause. I'm sick of seeing this everyday.. knowing that i will die if i meddle too much anyway. I mean, look, this never ending crisis and bloodshed is really bad on Germany. I see the same shit happening, that even my eyes feel like bleeding and want to wear away.

That damned Weimar Government rascals. All responsible for this bloodshed and horror going on in Germany...If only, there was someone who could put a stop to this.

Elections was one thing, but look at these useless parties whom efforts really fail to bring Germany to full glory. It's of no use. I'm not going to let myself sit here and just look at this deteoriate. I'm sure that I can change everything.

Revolution? No. Communism? No. All we wanted was a democracy.

And that was wishful thinking, isn't it?


5th April 1923

Those french soldiers were seen today. Invading our homeland. Driven away everyone. 

I got a fucking bullet in my left arm.

Injured to the point whereby i want to close my eyes and just die.

But i can't just let it go like that. 

(Blood can be seen on the left corner of the page.)

*small note in the corner* just wait, just wait for it.


10th April 1923

Who the bloody hell is Van De Sar and Carolyn..

Heard of them but.. it was weird knowing that a stranger i never met before was tending to my wounds.

I can only hope that it is for the better though. I seem to be eavesdropping that they want to overthrow this damned government too.


14th April 1923

Those two people talked to me for the first time.

Not like as though i can start to trust them first, but maybe they could help too.

I have no idea what's going to happen, but if that's the case, i know that it's going to be good.

Carolyn's a socialble one, cracking jokes at the workplace. De Sar was also the same.

They seem to suit my character too. Reminding me of the old times.

But anyways, i'm going out to settle some business now. I will write here again.


NOTE TO SELF: Get myself a good beer, some bullets and a fucking pistol. For self defence, in case.


16th April 1923

General Elections coming soon again.

gah, the same bullshit i have seen and heard again and again.

No fucking use, Hindenburg, no fucking use.

Propaganda here and there. Propaganda everywhere.

Is this the Germany i used to live in?

Politically instable, socially instable, economically instable.

No fucking way.


To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2012 ⏰

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