Chapter One: Prologue

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Tucking her sleek red hair to one side and putting her hood up against the snow Lily Evans walked nimbly down the streets of Little Whinging, Surrey. They were in the middle of a war, it wasn't safe to be wandering about in the open but Lily wanted to see her sister. She had missed her over the holidays and when she finally got in touch with her she was told she was an aunt. And also that she wasn't to do any magic anywhere near their new baby.

"So instead of apparating safely to my own sisters house I have to walk a mile through the snow! She knows about the war! She knows I'm not safe!" Lily mumbled under her breath as she walked. The streets seemed to be devoid of life she glanced around throughly taking in her surroundings before continuing to talk to herself.

"Just a few more blocks, Petunia better have a hot mug of coffee waiting for me, I'll be lucky not to catch a cold running about like this! Good thing I'm still young." She mumbled as she reached the small neighborhood playground just two blocks from her sisters house. Slowing her pace a bit she looked at the playground, her sister having a baby made her wonder if she should've just settled for James. Her and Petunia could grow old together with their children and families. It just seemed so soon, she had just finished school and taken a job in the ministry. It didn't pay much but she felt so good about her independence. Plus she wanted Severus to be her husband, not James Potter.

Lily meandered across the playground slowly, lost in her own thoughts she didn't notice the two shadowy figures of Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew.

" Is this the girl? The girl that has Severus unsure of joining my forces?" Voldemort's cold voice whispered into Peter's ear.

"Y..y.y..yes m.m..m...master that is Lily Evans. A mudblood that was sorted into Gryffindor. She stayed friends with Severus all through school, not many realized they were much more then friends. He cares for her." Wormtail replied clearly.

"And this... This mudblood is the reason he is hesitant to take my mark? That's just not going to work for me. I must have Severus Snape on my team, it is imperative that he is on my side. Leave now Pettigrew, I don't need you any longer. You are not to tell anyone where we went this evening."

Pettigrew apparated away with a crack alerting Lily to the fact she was not alone.

" Who is there?" She called out bravely

" If you're some punk kid you better speak up now before I turn mean! " Lily cried sounding much braver then she felt.

" What do I have to fear from a mudblood like you" came a cold voice from behind the jungle gym.

Lily froze with her hood halfway down, trying to think of a plan. It was him, who else could send chills up a persons spine just with their voice. She was panic struck still unmoving as a tall cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows behind the gym. He was an imposing figure almost twice Lily's height.

"Stupid girl, shouldn't you try to run or something? Anything but stand there, make this enjoyable for me Mudblood!"

Lord Voldemort spat at her unmoving figure. Coming to her senses Lily turned her back and ran away from the dark wizard. She wanted to lead him away from the vicinity of her sisters house. She looked back to see if her plan was working but he hadn't moved an inch. Raising his wand slowly he flicked it towards her lazily she jumped to the side failing to completely avoid the blue green curse that soared towards her. It caught her on her left hip and lifted her into the air. She struggled in vain as Voldemort used his wand to bring her back to where he stood.

He left her hovering a few feet in front of him letting her struggle against the invisible force holding her parallel to the ground.

"You have quite a lot of fight in you, not common in muggle borns. To bad it's all for naught. Let me see you,"

He removed her hat and jacket. She began to cry and stopped fighting.

"Not bad looking.... For a mudblood. "

In truth she was exquisite, pale white with spatters of freckles. Her hair was fiery red that made her green eyes glow. He had to see more.... Now she was begging him to let her go. Oh how fun! he thought to himself, he loved it when they tried to fight back.

Pulling out his wand he warned the whimpering mudblood to be perfectly still. Casting a simple slashing charm across her body he removed her shirt and bra, and destroyed her pants. Smiling at the small cut down her stomach he stepped up to her taking it all in.

Her eyes were closed, her hair hung towards the ground. Her neck was slender and her freckles continued all down her bosom and onto her stomach. She was very petite her hips just starting to bulge her breasts weren't huge but on her small frame they were perfect. Lovely white orbs tipped in the palest pink Voldemort had ever seen. His charm had caught her stomach and upper pelvic area, she was bleeding slightly all the way down. He took another step closer to her pushing a fingertip into her face.

Her eyes opened and he took great pleasure in the fear that he saw in them. She opened her mouth and only a garbled sound sound came out, he laughed at her moving down to her destroyed jeans. When he saw a peek of red as bright as her hair showing through the rip he couldn't help himself any longer. Reaching his hands into the fabric he ripped it away leaving her exposed.

"Please, I'll do anything, please don't do this!" Lily cried weakly

"Ha, your begging is only egging me on. It is far too late to change my mind now. Maybe I'll have your asshole, that seems a fitting way to fuck a dirty mudblood whore like you! You're such a little tart you probably enjoy it don't you?" Voldemort laughed at the struggling girl coldly watching her pale nipples move as she fought against his magic.

"I'm not a whore you son of a bitch I'm a virgin, please don't do this to me! Please!" She cried repeating please and no over and over.

"A virgin are you? Well even better, now you don't have to take it in your tight little ass."

He splayed her open examine her red hair covered lips. Pulling them apart to see the soft pink insides. She continued to beg and plead with him to stop as he ran his finger down her open lips looking for the opening. After several feels he realizes she is telling the truth. Opening her legs as wide they could go he looked at her pussy close up, finding the small hymen still intact.

He lost his control when he saw it. Immediately pulling his own parts out of his cloak and forcing through the tiny mudbloods hymen. Forcing her open. He removed the charm that was holding her up using his arms to pin her arms to her side he pumped her up and down on his member. She cried in pain earning her a sharp slap. He flipped her over and shoved her face into the dirt. Seeing her beautiful face smoothed into the dirt with tears smearing through the dust was too much for him. He began to buck wildly inside of her. When he reached orgasm he shuddered, depositing every drop into his victim.

Lily had settled into a calm state of shock. She apparated as soon as he wasn't touching her the last thing she heard was his voice telling her she got lucky this time. Not even capable of coherent thought she apparated to James Potters bedroom. She lay on his floor summoning the blanket off the sleeping Potter heir effectively waking him up and covering her nudity. He pulled on pants and tried to talk to the distraught girl that was sobbing on his bedroom floor.


"She's asleep dad! I'm not going to wake her up just because you think it's rude. It's not like she stayed the night with me. I'm, it's not my place to say what's happened dad. Please understand. "

James Potter was arguing with his father. They hadn't liked that the only girl he showed interest in was a muggleborn. Some prejudices were inbred into all wizarding families. The fact that she appeared in his bedroom in the middle of the night was scandalous to his father, he couldn't reveal what had happened, it would ruin her. Even if she didn't return his love he loved her and would always protect her.

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