The Twins Arrive

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Jess's POV:

Just the thought of Alex having a bad infection scares me. I'm scared he's not gonna be around for the twins. This all happened too fast. His cut just might have saved his life. That was really bad. I'm sure we got to it just in time.

"Alex?" I ask.

"Yeah, baby?" He asks, scrolling through his phone with his left hand.

"I'm scared." I say, starting to feel tears.

"Why, honey?" He asks, looking up now.

"That you're gonna die!" I say, bursting out crying.

"Jess, honey. Come here." He says.

I walk over and sit on the bed with him and cry into his shirt.

"Hey. I know what we should name the twins." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"Austin and Anna." He says, looking at me and smiling.

I look at him and smile. I sit up and kiss him softly on his lips.

"I love you, Alex." I say.

"I love you, too, Jess." He says, pulling me close.

I lay my head on his chest and start to fall asleep.

'Your Daddy is so nice and he will love you two so much.' I say in my head.

38 1/2 weeks pregnant...

Man, carrying twins is harder than I thought it would be. I'll hopefully be due soon and then our little family will be complete. Alex, me, AJ, Allyssa, Austin and Anna.

"Jess?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, honey?" I ask back.

"Do we need to do a baby shower or something? Because I don't think we're really prepared for twins." He says.

"Hmm. That's a good idea. It can just be a few friends and family." I say.

"Yeah and I can make the food since you have to stay off your feet. What should I make?" He asks.

"Well, I think you can make some ham and cheese sandwiches and cut them into little squares with no crust. AJ and Allyssa might like that. And maybe you can make Spaghetti and Meatballs for dinner with some garlic bread. And for dessert we can just have ice cream." I say.

"Okay, that sounds good. When should it be?" He asks.

"Maybe in a week or so." I say.

"Okay. I'll call my parents and you call yours and we'll both call some friends." He says.

1 week later.......

I wake up and feel my very large belly.

"Good morning, sweeties." I whisper.

I hear the door creak open and the kids come running in and jump on our king size bed.

"Mommy! Pancakes!" Allyssa says.

"Mommy can't stand for so long, go ask Daddy." I say, playing with her curly red hair.

"Daddy! Pancakes!" She says and starts jumping on him.

"Mmmm..." He moans out.

"Come on, Alex. We gotta get up anyways. The baby shower is today." I say, sitting up and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

Alex pulls himself into a standing position and comes over to me.

"What?" I wonder.

"These two will be the last of our kids, right?" He asks, his voice cracking.

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