Chapter 1

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Adam Ross was a big man, and he absolutely despised having to cram himself into the small space of his partner's little coupe. He and his business partner, Shay Owens, co-owned a motorcycle mechanic shop. They were known all over the world for their customizing. Shay, a flamboyant gay man, was in the business only to enjoy all of the alpha-males that usually hung around. He was a self proclaimed 'trust fund baby', with bright blue eyes, blonde curly hair, and a small wiry frame. Adam Ross was the opposite. He was all about the bikes. A real hands-on type of guy. At 6"3', and 235lbs of solid bulky muscle, he was built like the biggest of linebackers. He had moss green eyes and dark blonde hair, which he kept cropped in a buzz cut. His left arm was covered in a sleeve of tattoos, as was his chest, and right side. Shay and Adam had met in their younger years. When they were just 18, they had met in "Blaze", a BDSM club a few towns over. Adam was a Dom. He had known that since early on in his teen years. Shay, was just a kinky little thing. He'd try anything once. He knew he was gay since he was a child. Somehow, the friendship worked. Except at times like this, when Adam's big body was squeezed into Shay's tiny car while they drove to grab some lunch.

"Hey Adam..." Shay asked slowly. "What?" The big man responded, shifting to try to find some leg room. "Can you do me a favor please?" Shay continued. "Yeah man, what do you need?" Adam asked. "Well... You see..." Shay stuttered. "Spit it out Shay." Adam grumbled. "Can you work on that vintage pan head shirtless today?" Shay spoke quickly, his words nearly jumbled together. Adam simply raised an eyebrow. "I have this friend coming by, and I really wanna impress him. I mean, let's face it, that, is impressive." Shay grinned cheekily, reaching out with one hand to pet Adam's toned stomach. Just as his hand made contact, Adam growled. Shay jerked his head back and squirmed in his seat. "Jeez you're potent!" The small man giggled. "Shay, no. Not gonna happen." Adam rasped as they pulled up to a local diner.

After lunch, Shay dropped Adam off at the shop, saying he had some errands to run. Deciding to call it a day, Adam locked up, and climbed on his custom Soft-tail Harley and headed towards his house. About 10 minutes from home, it started storming. The rain didn't bother him, the cool drops stinging against his skin felt refreshing after the sweltering heat. Coming up on the outskirts of town, he slowed the bike as something caught his eye. A man and a woman were arguing. The man was in the woman's face, yelling and screaming. The woman, a tiny little thing, Adam noticed, was cowering away. 'Aw hell..' Adam thought to himself as he pulled over. He could barely make out what they were saying as he walked up. He listened more intently and heard the man tell the woman, " You're too needy! Look at you, Anna. You're a sniveling, crying, pathetic, needy mess. I can't take it anymore!" She flinched as the man got in her face, scurrying back from him, and inadvertently, right into Adam's chest. She was short, he noted as he steadied her on her feet. No more than 5'1". Small and curvy. "I don't have anywhere to go. I gave up everything for you, what am I supposed to do? What'd I do to deserve this Ben?" She cried. The small woman jumped out of Adam's hold when she realized she was leaning into him. The guy, Ben, spoke again. A smirk on his childish face, "That's not my problem. I paid for everything you have. So I'm keeping it." He finished, walking away. Anna sobbed as the door to her home slammed shut. She was shivering in the rain, soaked to the bone. Adam was never one to tolerate cruelty to women or children, so he stepped towards her. She turned, hearing his big boots splash and thud against the sidewalk, and her eyes widened as she looked up, and then up some more. He pulled her into his arms, cradling her against his chest as she stiffened. "You're not too needy." He rumbled, his voice vibrating his chest. Anna looked up, sniffling, "You don't even know me. Sad thing is, he's right. I am needy. I-I don't mean to be, but I just.." She trailed off as the tears started again. Adam dropped down onto one knee, now eye level with Anna, as he spoke again. "You are not too needy. You're needy, because you have needs. I'm the type of man that thrives on being needed. It's what I'm here for. To protect you. To provide for you. You are not needy. He simply cannot give you what it is that you need." His voice was a deep rumble that soothed Anna's frazzled nerves. She shook her head. "You don't understand. I'm- I... I like being told what to do. I'm disgusting. I shouldn't enjoy the things that I do." She cried. "You don't get it. No one can give me what I need. I've tried dating, I've tried changing. But I can't. It's me. I'm always the problem." She sobbed. "There's nothing wrong with you Little One. You just have some self discovering to do. Don't ever put yourself down again. You are most definitely not disgusting." He hugged her to him again. She sighed, wrapping her arms around this stranger that somehow soothed her. He stood with her in her arms and walked back towards his Harley. "Where are you taking me?" Anna panicked slightly. "My place. There's something I'd like to discuss with you. Something I'd like you to consider trying." Without waiting for her response, he swung a leg over the bike, keeping the woman in his arms. She simply nodded, snuggling further into his thickly muscled chest.

As he took off down the road, Anna realized she didn't even know his name. Nor did she understand her body's response to this man. Every time he spoke in that gruff, baritone voice, she trembled. Her knees wobbled. She peeked up at him from beneath her lashes. He was gorgeous. She longed to run her fingertips over his beard to see if it was as soft as it looked. Anna felt minuscule next to him, he was such a large man. Tall, broad, hard. Dark. In faded jeans, a grey t-shirt that clung to his thick torso, and a leather jacket that smelled divine. Her confusion only grew as the man leaned down and nuzzled her jaw, pulling her tighter against him. 'What is wrong with me?!' She thought silently.


Ok guys, new story. Lol. Read, comment, vote, message me, you name it. Let me know what ya think. Tango-5 is coming to an end. Only a few chapters left. This story will be fairly short. 5 or 6 chapters probably.. Maybe.. Lol. So.... Yeah. :)

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