Chapter One

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Maria's POV

My cheek twitched as I scratched the back of my neck. My leg was bouncing up and down uncontrollably, my hand tapping out an impatient beat on the table. There were approximately three minutes remaining of French class, and I needed to be at work in ten.

The bell finally rang and I jumped out of my seat. I hooked my back pack and headed for the door.

"Maria!" a voice rang out. I stopped and groaned internally. "May I see you at my desk?"

I slipped on a polite smile and quickly tread over to Mr. Day's desk.

"How can I help you?" I asked.

"I was going over the tests and you may want to retake it. You didn't do too well."

"Well what did I get?" I sputtered.

"A 72. That's a D, Maria."

"Well it's not an F, gottagobye," I jumbled my words together and sprinted for the door.

I looked at the digital clock and groaned when I realized I now only had five minutes to get to work.

I slid into my car and searched for my outfit. I felt my stomach sink when I realized that I left it on the counter at home.

I started the car and cut in front of the line, driving up the wrong side of the road. Bad things happen when I get to work late. I pulled up in front my house and popped my door open, not even bothering to put the car in park.

I sprinted to the door, damning the key when it wouldn't unlock, and cursing when I slammed the door into the wall.

I grabbed the plastic bag and sprinted back to the car after hastily locking the door once again.

I now had two minutes to arrive on time and it takes me five minutes on a good day to get to the club. I pushed on the gas pedal a bit more, the car surging forward, nearly knocking the bumper of the pickup in front of me.

I finally got to the club, three minutes late, and changed quickly in my car. I threw a long coat over me and ran in the back door barefoot, carrying my heels.

I cautiously looked around and quietly let the door close. I set the time back a few minutes and clocked in, then set it to the correct time.

I sighed in relief and made my way to my dressing room. I stood in front of the full length mirror and hung the jacket on the back of the door.

I observed myself for a moment, staring at my outfit, a lacy red corset and bright red heels. I tussled my curly hair as it settled around my waist.

I dug through my makeup bag before finding the cherry red lipstick I was looking for. I then grabbed my silver mask, encrusted in fake diamonds, and put it in its place over my eyes and nose. I adjusted my top one more time, pulling on my boobs to make them a bit more noticeable and then began putting my things away.

I turned to the side and began putting my things in the plastic bag I had brought with me. Suddenly I couldn't breathe, a hand like a vice was squeezing my throat shut. They took me by the throat and slammed me against the wall as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Look at me, you slut," a voice growled.

I couldn't bring myself to look a Jacobs, my boss.

A calloused hand struck my face roughly, his other hand still bruising my neck. I opened my eyes wide and stared at the snarling face of Jacobs.

"What did I tell you about being late?" he growled menacingly.

I tried to respond but he still had a hold around my neck. He slapped me across the face once more.

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