Chapter 1: My Kingdom.... Gone

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Cries were heard, and drowned out by the gun sounds. The children wailed, people ran for thier life's. Although the window was closed, I heard it loud, and strong.

“Why let them suffer?" I asked softly, as a voice answered, “They are worth nothing."

I meet my gaze with my bodyguard, he was looking the opposite direction, obviously not wanting to see me.

“We are all worth the same." I answered back, as he sighed, removing his helmet.

His long, gray hair reached his neck, his bright purple eyes scanning mine over his glasses. “No." Was his only reply.

I moved closer to the window, wanting to see. Smoke was covering the window, I tried to pull it open.

“No!" He shouted, pushing me back, making me drop to the ground. He pulled me back, he grabbed my wrist.

“Do you want to die?!" He yelled at me, and then his eyes widen. He wasn't supposed to yell at me, that would cause his death. He let go, and looked away.

“I'm sorry." He answered immediately, as I picked myself up. “You had a right too." I answered, as I sat back into the corner.

A sudden knock made us freeze. The knock became louder, as Mason drew his sword. He motioned me to be still, and not make any noise. I listened, and saw his eyes furrow downwards.

Suddenly, the door burst open, as Mason drew his sword at the stranger, kicked his defense to the ground. He punched the person, until it choked out, “Mason! It's me!"

His eyes widen. He let go, and Jason, my other bodyguard, stood there, rubbing his neck. He had black hair, covering almost both eyes, which were blue.

“Jason! Are you hurt?" I kneeled down; my dress getting in the way. He nodded; as I helped him up. “We need to get out of here; They know your here." He whispered rapidly, making Mason quickly grab my hand.

“Come on; Jason lead the way." Mason pulled me to the door, Jason nodded, and stormed out.

I gasped as he pulled me; his grip was hurting my wrist, but I said nothing.

We ran out, smoke covered my nostrils. Mason quickly covered my mouth and nose, making me squirm; I couldn't breathe.

I heard a fire, and then I felt myself being lift. I had to close my eyes, they were getting watery. I felt a hand at my thigh, I panicked. I want to know if it was Mason, or someone I knew.

“It's me." I heard Mason whisper at my ear, because I started to struggle. I relaxed, and suddenly, he let go of me.

I breathe a huge amount of air; my chest thumping heavily. My breath was beginning to slow down.

I felt myself move, I looked at Mason.

“Where are we going?" I asked him, as he didn't reply.

“Dammit Mason, Where are you taking me?!?!" I screamed, as he made a mad face.

“I order you to answer my question." I replied, as he sighed.

“Far." He said. I looked at him, wide eyed.

“Far, Far away from here." He whispered, as he dropped his helmet.

“No!" I yelled, as he sighed. “I won't leave my Kingdom! I am there princess! I am supposed to be there savior." He waited until my speech was done.

“My princess, I am your bodyguard, it is my mission to make sure nothing happens to you." He finished with a bow.

I scoffed. “I won't be your princess when I'm away from my Kingdom."

He murmured something under his breath. “What?" I asked.

“Nothing." He answered.

“Princess Jasmine." I turned around, and found Edmund, holding a dagger. “You may need this." He held it to me, his eyes soft.

I took it without asking. I hooked it to my waist. I looked at Edmund. “Where are the others?" I asked.

“In the back of the truck." He answered, as I sighed. “They are all over your protection, they are willing to die to safe you."

I wished he didn't say that. I felt weird with all their care for me. I looked at the ground.

“We are heading to a City called Las Vegas."

“Las Vegas? What's that?" I asked confused. I have never heard of this ‘Las Vegas'. “Is it a kingdom? Do they have a Queen?"

He shook his head. I gasped. A city without a Ruler? How would they survive? His silver hair glowed in the almost dark room. His eyes were shining Grey also.

He turned to me. “We need to disguise you.  So The other kingdoms won't find you." He bowed, and left, the seat opening a door, and then I saw that there was a trailer behind this car.

“Um..Edmund." I whispered. He held a finger to my lips, he gently took my hand. “Please don't say anything, Your Highness." He pleaded as I nodded. He removed his finger, and left.

“My Princess, You should get some rest, I'll stand guard." Mason replied, as I sat down.

He threw his jacket at me, I covered my upper body, and buried my nose into his warm Jacket. It smelled amazing. Like Chocolate.

He handed me a pillow. I threw it underneath me. I sighed.

“Mason?" I said his name gently. “If.... If the war ends, will I have to marry?" I asked quietly.

“Yes." His voice was strained. “A prince."

“What if I don't want to marry a prince?" I asked. He turned his head towards me. He didn't answer.

He walked over to me, and placed a hand on my cheek. I felt my face turn red.

“Sleep Princess." He whispered. “You need to rest." He ended it with a kiss on my forehead.

I felt my face turn even red, I was shocked, and confused.

Maybe he wants me to forget about my worries. I thought.

“Goodnight Mason." I whispered, as I closed my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2014 ⏰

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