
All I see is snow in this vast wilderness of frost and ice. I've been traveling from Winter's capital, Jannuari, to the Southern Eldridge Forest, it has been four days since I set out, and there's no apparent sign that I will be coming out of Winter any sooner.
Snow above why didn't I took the horse, I thought as I fight through this blizzard of blissful coldness. I decided to go southwest, that means I'll have to go through Autumn and Summer.
I rallied through the thick snow under my feet. Queen Meira ordered me to check unto the Southern Eldridge Forest to seek for a hidden cottage in the heart of the forest. I have no idea why, but it was urgent. And of course she would only send someone like me, a Winterian general, with intelligence higher than others, yet is someone who makes terrible decisions.

I walked, travelled, and fought to go through this blizzard of ice and snow until finally a sign of peaceful relaxation. The dried leaves with the shades of orange, red and golden yellow falling into the ground in a phlegmatic motion.
I walked across the border and breathed in the air of dried leaves and warm sun.
-exhale, I continued my journey ignoring the hunger that I feel or how tired I am. I shall continue my quest, no matter what odds befall on me. I am loyal to my Queen, and if the Queen entrusted this mission to me, then it is for a great cause, I shall not delay what is not supposed to be delayed. For Winter.
I continued knowing my limits is at its climax and yet I still continued. Continued walking through the beautiful forest of Autumn. Consistently leaning on one of the trees to avoid falling down. The sun is starting to irritate my skin, it's warmth overflowing me. I feel like I'm going to faint, but I should not. I know my Winterian blood can't handle this and yet I'm still going through it, I wonder what will happen when I cross Summer, I could be drenched in sweat and faint within the first mile I set foot into Summer.

As I continued to walk, my vision started to become blurry, and my equilibrium lost. I fall down to the ground. Prostrate on the dirt beneath me. This is not how my journey ends, this is not how I lose the trust of my beloved Queen. I must continue even though I can't. I dragged myself on the ground, crawling like an insect that I am. Soon after, I can see it, the tips on the horizon of an Autumnian palace. I stood up, confidence and the feeling of salvation giving me strength to stand up. It is, the majestic Autumnian kingdom, Oktuber. I smiled at the feeling of relief, relief of that I'm not going to disappoint my Queen. I started to run into the kingdom, desperation and relief fueling strength into my legs.

I run and run and run. Finally arriving at the beautiful kingdom.
I was easy to spot out, with my ivory white hair, snow white skin and sapphire blue eyes, I was really standing out among the Autumnian's copper skin, pitch black hair and eyes. Not just that, My Winterian general uniform also stands out, though it is streaked with dirt as I was crawling earlier.
I brought a bunch of various food with me, some are even Autumnian delicacies. From fruits to meat to poultry, I needed to stock up, it's going to be a long way to Summer.
I stayed one night in an inn in Oktuber. Finally resting from the fatigue I've been enduring.

At the break of dawn, I set course, returning to my mission. Going up and down on hills and valleys on Autumnian fields. Vibrant colors of red, orange and golden yellow filling my view. I traveled far and came across cities in Autumn. How beautiful.

After a couple of days I have finally arrived at the border of Autumn and Summer. Standing just against the border. Heat waving through my skin, even though I haven't stepped across yet, I can already feel the harsh environment and seething sun of Summer. Sandstorms, cacti and piles of sand was ahead of the deserted plains. The complete opposite of my blood, snow above I'm going to die here.
I stepped across, one step and it already made my skin scream for snow, my legs wanting to touch the coldness of ice and my brain wanting frost. The heat was enough to make me breathe hard, enough to melt ice in an instance, enough to make me go insane. But nevertheless I shall continue, for my Queen. I traveled through deserts, sandstorms and melting heat. My legs starting to lose strength, my cloak not enough to cover the sun. What is it with this hate for cold. I kept myself hydrated from the water pouch I brought, but soon enough, none was left. I am alone in this storm of heat, sand and death, alone in the middle of nowhere, alone in Summer, a lone Winterian in the Summer kingdom. Pretty soon I will black out, thoughts leaving my head, regrets of failing my lovely Queen emerges, regrets of going through Summer even though I know the consequences and troubles that I will go through, I still continued, heat making my vision blurry, sand burning my entire body, and no one is going to save me from the harsh environment of this snow forsaken kingdom. No water to drink, no snow to find comfort, that is all in my head now, sweet cold snow. Snow that I have complained days ago, I take it all back. I fell down to my knees, my arms supporting myself, hoping not to fall. I grinned in misery, a small glazed chuckle escaped from my lips. This isn't the end right? I can still survive right? Another small chuckle escaped. I looked ahead of the horizon, as a figure of a man started to form.
There are three of them. Suddenly, the warnings from the rumors about Summer popped into my head. Oh no, they're going to enslave me, they're going to make me work for my life. I can't fall down now, not at the feet of enemies. Yet half of me wants them to save me, to save me from the horrible climate of Summer. I couldn't decide anymore. Thoughts bombarding my head. Panic rushes over me. And as much as I want to move, I can't. My legs weak, my eyes blurry, my body tired. As the figures started to get closer, my head slowly slips away and I blacked out.

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