The Prologue

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A/N This is my first fanfic. Before I go on a disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, unfortunately, they belong to J. K. Rowling. However I have created Elizabeth, Wesley, Anna, Mathias, and Kathryn. Anyways like I was saying this is my first fic. Constructive criticism is welcome but hate is not exactly welcome. If you have any problems with me or my story DM me and I would be happy to discuss with you. Happy reading lovely people, I hope you enjoy!


It was only 7 in the morning when she felt someone come up behind her. She felt large hands capture her waist in a gentle but firm way. "What are you doing up already?" she heard the soft melodic voice of her husband whisper in her ear. "The usual, couldn't sleep I figured I'd make some breakfast before you woke up. How do pancakes sound?" she felt her husband of 7 years nuzzle her neck and exhale slowly saying, "That would be great darling, how am I so lucky?" She had finished flipping the pancakes when she said, "They're blueberry, your favorite!" He turned her around slowly and gently placed his lips against hers in the softest embrace anyone has ever felt. She pulled away slowly relishing this moment with her one and only love. She heard the pitter patter of small feet before her husband did. Mathias came running into the kitchen with a sly look on his 6-year-old face, soon after he arrived the pancakes were ready to be eaten.

 She called her daughter Anna saying, "Sweet heart, I made pancakes come on down, spend time with Daddy before he has to leave!" by the time she had said this she was at the stairs, her husband gravitating towards her, they were like magnets, one always following after the other. It was then that she heard a quite sob at the same time her husband. "Don't worry Wesley, I'm sure everything's alright, Mathias probably took one of her toys." She checked her watch, it was only 7:15. They both had plenty of time before they had to leave for work. She climbed up the stairs slowly, her bones ached, she was giving her daughter time to calm down. But she had no such luck, the sobbing had not receded in any way shape or form. She saw her daughter's crumpled form on the bed, small shoulders shaking. "Oh, my darling girl, what's the matter?" she crooned into her daughters' ear. "Matt took my favorite book; MOMMY make him give it back please!" Her voice started off timid and meek but rose to a howl near the end. She sighed with relief because there was a simple fix to this problem. "Of course, darling, what do you say to getting ready for school huh?" This elicited a nod from the child who still had tears streaming down her face. Her daughter was a pretty child with her fathers bright red hair and her mothers shifting hazel eyes. She had a heart shaped face with perfect bow lips that had a natural pink tinge. "Okay sweetie do you want to wear the plaid skirt or the blue jumper today?" She heard her daughter hum in thought she was only 4 years old, but she acted twice her age. "I want the plaid skirt with a white polo and zebra leggings." She said this with such finality that she let her do as she pleased.

 She looked down at her watch and saw that it was 7:20, she went downstairs to see her best friend Kathryn eating a stack of pancakes. "Hey Lizbit, I'm just finishing up here, I'll be down to the shop in a few and start on the bread doughs." Friend doesn't properly describe the relationship between Kathryn and Elizabeth, they have known each other for 15 years.  Kathryn was more like a sister than anything else. "Oh yah, see ya later Wes, will you come to the shop for lunch?" Wesley replied with, "I'm not sure, I haven't spoken to Elle yet, but if so, I won't disturb anyone. I know her rules." Kathryn had taken the Corolla to the shop that they co-owned. Wesley had taken Mathias to his and Anna's room and he dressed Mathias in a red polo and navy-blue pants. Elizabeth thought to herself, "My son is so very adorable!" with the same refined features as his baby sister Mathias had a mixture of his fathers and mother's hair, a strawberry blond. He had the same eyes as his sister and mother, a shifting hazel that went from brown to blue to green to gray. With the children ready for school they played in the family room, all fights over the book over after some persuasion from Elizabeth that Mathias give the book back to his sister along with an apology. 

"Well, I'd say we conquered this morning." The light laughing voice of Wes said behind her, they were back in the kitchen relishing every second they could spend together. He planted a light kiss on her cheek and continued until his lips found her mouth. There was no battle for dominance, she had given up that battle long ago, their tongues worked in an easy tandem. Then they heard a timer go off, it was 7:35, Wes, her dearest love had to go to work. She walked him to the front door where she called the kids, "Mathias, Anna, come say bye to Daddy!" Wes gave each a hug and a kiss on the forehead, the children were squirming with energy and they went back to playing. "Darling do you know what has just occurred to me? One day your sass is going to get you in trouble. I hope I am there to see it, I think it would be a nice change to see someone challenge your wit!" He said this in a playfully serious tone as though he really would like to see her get taken down a notch or two. "Well, you would be the one to know what I can do with my mouth." His mouth was properly agape. He slowly and absentmindedly closed his mouth, when there were only a few centimeters between the two Elizabeth leaned in and captured his mouth with hers. Wesley was still shocked from the flirtatious interaction. Elizabeth hadn't been so forward and flirty since Mathias was on his way. He thought this through thoroughly but dismissed it. Even if his wife was 25 young and healthy she couldn't be pregnant with another child. The two hadn't been trying for another for the past 2 years. So as Wesley reassured himself Elizabeth hid her delicate condition from everyone, she wanted It to be a surprise. Maybe she would make a cake and reveal her pregnancy. 

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