0. The Cold

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Ever since the world could remember the concept of a "meant to be" love has existed. One day, as the world turned and people continued to fail in their search for their one and only, a new technology was invented by the government: Soul Pendants.

Soul Pendants weren't exactly complicated; they were government issued pendants that were split in half, each part having the ability to tell when the other was close by. They were created in one country but spread to every government from every corner of the world before they were released to the public.

These pendants followed the simple concept of fate. They were given randomly to children as they were born and the person to coincidentally be given the other half must be the other half of a meant to be couple. To keep them from being lost each necklace was engraved with the name of the person it was issued to.

Not everyone chose to listen to their necklaces however, one case in particular was that of Paris White. Paris didn't believe in love or fate, she believed in hard work and the idea that success alone could bring happiness. So she worked day in and day out to achieve the goals she set forth.

Be the most popular girl in her school? Check.

Graduate at top of her class? Check.

Go to the college of her dreams? Check. Or maybe only half a check there. She has been accepted but summer means classes haven't started.

But unlike her classmates she isn't staying for summer on the white beaches, instead she is moving up north to explore the area before Fall semester starts.

And maybe that's where the chaos and adventure starts, where the cold starts to leave and she changes her mind about emotions. Maybe they aren't silly, is it possible she just doesn't understand what love is.

Welcome to a Lover's Game of Hot and Cold! This is technically only the prologue but I wanted to get it out there. This is my first official story on wattpad so you're feedback is very much appreciated! Let me know if you would like to see this story continued and thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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