Quentin Coldwater

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Quentin walked away from Penny, knowing he would never see him again. Unsure of what was to come before him now that he was in the afterlife. Just as he steps through the doorway, he finds himself feeling as though he's floating on air, everything around him was dark, and he couldn't think for a moment. He opened his eyes that he didn't remember shutting, and was left blinking rapidly, standing in a sunlit patch of grass. He looked around him and then back, there was no more doorway, all he could see was trees, greenery everywhere, the sound of birds and crickets. In a bit of a daze, he stumbled forward and saw a path that appeared as though it hadn't been walked upon in ages. He took one last glance backward and shrugged a bit. He had nothing to lose anymore. After what seemed like quite awhile he sat on a stump. His mind began to wander. 

"The sun will probably never go down here, I mean time can't exist I'm sure. Funny, all my life, time was always something to think about, and yet, now, what is time? What can time even mean, it has no value when you're dead. I'm already out of time," he thought to himself.

He heard a sound coming from beside him, a few feet away. He glanced and said out loud, "well I guess I don't have to be scared of anything, I'm already dead, so." He stood up and walked toward the sound. A bird flew above him. "Oh, of course, there's birds. Why not?" He sighed and watched as it flew up into a tree, and something in the distance caught his eye. A tree. He slowly walked toward it. It couldn't be...why would it be....

The tree had within it, a clock

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The tree had within it, a clock. Just as he stood in front of it, a thorny vine caught his leg. He moved it and it poked his finger. "Shit." He began to bleed. "Wait, how am I bleeding?"

He walked back to the path, and he began to follow it again. He walked further, and further until he noticed a part in the trees. He recognized this place from somewhere before. He began to tremble when he took a step further and saw a University just beyond a luxurious lawn. He had been here before.

 He had been here before

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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